[ Worth ]


To make things easier from a grading standpoint, the lines marked on the model are interpreted as thresholds. When a proportion expands past a line, it is then considered that proportion.

When portions are missing (ie. head is out of shot but torso present), proportions will then be considered in terms of percentages. If less than 33% of the body is visible, then it is a headshot. If it is between 34-66%, it is a half-body. If it is between 67-100%, it is a full-body.



Art drawn by Deliderp.

This is your regular style of art.


Art drawn by Ghostellations.

Chibi is a style of art that aims to simplify characters features.


Art drawn by Thrikreen.

Pixel art is characterized by the artist's use of a pixelated brush to create often smaller works.



Art drawn by Arkraiden.

A pattern background can be either repeating patterns, a simple shape, or idfk. It is 50-25% the subjects size.


Art drawn by Deliderp.

A simple background must have at least 1 element (lava, ledge, etc) and a midground. It must be the same size as the subject or larger.


Art drawn by Nomminus & Lyutsirov.

A distinct setting with a fore-, middle-, and background that wholly encompasses the character.



Art drawn by Ghostellations.

Subject(s) have props such as lanterns, guitars, canes, etc but no background.


Art drawn by v13kai.

Subject(s) only have a simple shadow or light source.


Art drawn by Dovey619.

Extra time and effort was put into this drawing, no matter its completion status. Only you can determine this, please don't take advantage of this or we will remove it.


Art drawn by TroublesomeTrio12.


- Multipliers
-- Quality [Unfinished, 0.5x]
-- Style [Regular, 1.0x]
-- Occasion [General, 1.0x]
-- Shading [None, 1.0x]

- Figures (Travelers)
-- # of headshots = 0; 0 nums
-- # of half-bodies = 0; 0 nums
-- # of full-bodies = 1; 20 nums

- Figures (Pets / NPCs)
-- # of headshots = 0; 0 nums
-- # of half-bodies = 0; 0 nums
-- # of full-bodies = 0; 0 nums

- Background = Pattern, 4 nums
-- Props [Yes, 1.1x]

TOTAL: 15 nums

Art drawn by Darksonicboomi.


- Multipliers
-- Quality [Regular, 1.0x]
-- Style [Regular, 1.0x]
-- Occasion [Event Prompt (Solo), 2.0x]
-- Shading [None, 1.0x]

- Figures (Travelers)
-- # of headshots = 0; 0 nums
-- # of half-bodies = 1; 15 nums
-- # of full-bodies = 0; 0 nums

- Figures (Pets / NPCs)
-- # of headshots = 0; 0 nums
-- # of half-bodies = 0; 0 nums
-- # of full-bodies = 0; 0 nums

- Background = Simple, 7 nums
-- Props [No, 1x]

TOTAL: 37 nums

Art drawn by Arkraiden & Ghostellations.


- Multipliers
-- Quality [Polished, 1.5x]
-- Style [Regular, 1.0x]
-- Occassion [Event Prompt (Collab'd), 2.5x]
-- Shading [Painted, 1.5x]

- Figures (Travelers)
-- # of headshots = 6; 60 nums
-- # of half-bodies = 5; 75 nums
-- # of full-bodies = 4; 80 nums

- Figures (Pets / NPCs)
-- # of headshots = 1; 5 nums
-- # of half-bodies = 0; 0 nums
-- # of full-bodies = 0; 0 nums

- Background = Simple, 7 nums
-- Props [No, 1x]

TOTAL: 1245 nums