[ Mirstone Mechanics ]

DISCLAIMER: Since we are building this homebrew system, it will constantly be a work in progress as we change and improve things to suit the group.

Your powers don't follow you to Earth.

And so things are much more different mechanics-wise! This mechanic will definitely not be exclusive to Earth settings, however. There may be moments where the DMs will introduce your travelers to a dimension where Cry's powers don't fully reach or your powers are nullified, leaving you to rely on yourself rather than your DTVs.


About our Mirstone Mechanics

Here's a quick summary of the topics that is covered in this system!

1.) Health

You're squishy, now! Your DTV's health pool no longer applies to you in the Mirstone Mechanics. Instead, you have 3 "hit points". Every time you take damage (physically or mentally), you lose a hit point. The amount depends on the situation, dictated by the DM. For flavor text, this is how your traveler is feeling in correspondence to their hit points!

2.) Dice Rolls

If you didn't know already, you're squishy! So even your DTV's stats don't follow you in the Mirstone Mechanics. With that, everything you roll is at a flat d20 because you're a normie.

3.) Advantage Pool / Points

"But- But Attic Bananas! My traveler's beefed up! He/She/They can't be a normie! He/She/They worked for those gains!" And we understand that! Therefore, we give you 5 advantage dice that you can use in any situation you see fit for your traveler. Instead of a modifier, you now roll at advantage for the situation! If your traveler is in a scenario where you believe they would have an advantage, that's where you would apply it! Use it sparingly but without fear. You only have five, but don't sit on those dice like duck eggs.

The amount recovered does not stack on top of the dice your traveler had prior to the rest.

4.) Talent Pool / Points

These are special advantage dice. However, they can only be applied to scenarios involving your traveler's specialized stat! For example, a DEX talent pool can only be applied to skill checks that calls for a DEX roll (ie. acrobatics, sleight of hand, and stealth). You only get 2 talent dice, since normies get exhausted.

The amount recovered does not stack on top of the dice your traveler had prior to the rest.


Example Mirstone Mechanic Dice Tracker

[CaPh] Mirstone Dice Sheet