Fighting to save the world isn't exactly an inherent skill. Inter-dimensional travellers must learn about their foes, how to harness their magic, and learn to fight.

Located in a quaint little college town, Evergate, held in The Company's very own pocket dimension, you'll find the hot spot for all beacon-related learning.

Welcome to Greendell.


1.) New body, who dis?
ID CODE: 12982940
2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

You step through the portal at the CafΓ©. You've been told what will happen upon going through; however, it is one thing to hear it, and another to experience it!
How are you feeling? Get those shakies out! Be honest, are you excited? Maybe a little scared? Or absolutely freaking out? Are you regretting your design decisions or are you absolutely ecstatic about it?

If you're used to this, we're going to judge you. (Not really, but why is this normal for you? *squints*)

Depict your traveler's reaction to actually being able to transform into their DTV!

2.) Explore Greendell's Campus and the surrounding town.
ID CODE: 12982943
2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

  • This can be done multiple times.

Welcome to the cozy college town of Evergate!

Greendell College isn't the only draw to this town, theres a commissary for all members of the Beacon Academy to purchase dimensional goods at a discounted price, and the bureaucratic headquarters of the company.

  • meet people from different dimensions (use other peoples ODDs for cameos, or your own in written works),

    • enter your future ODD into the search-board on our server if you're okay with someone drawing them!

  • Buy a food you've never seen before, see if you have an allergic reaction!

Bustling streets not your thing? Take your time to explore campus. Maybe meet fellow classmates, or check out what the campus has to offer!

  • Meet some ODD classmates, or your professors!

  • Check out the holo-arcade, maybe play some crazy taxi - or some table tennis.

  • Try and make some potions in the lab! experimentation is always allowed - try not to burn yourself.

  • Join in on a sport... maybe you'll meet our mascot, the Greendell Person!

Depict your traveler exploring in Greendell or Evergate.

Click Here to view the Evergate Map!

3.) Take a class at Beacon Academy!
ID CODE: 12982946
2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated + 100 EXP per class

  • This can be redone once per class. (3 total)

  • If you complete all 3 classes, your weapon gains +1 to the damage dice.

The main reason you're here is to learn how to combat the U.N.I.O.N, there's no amount of training that will mentally prepare you for everything. You can't die, but the fear you may feel will be very real. We recommend taking these classes to strengthen your confidence in battle:

  • Combat Class, lead by Mx. Snapdragon, held in a large training yard.

      • Defensive/Offensive Melee and Ranged training with or without a weapon, no magic.

      • Knife, Sword, Bow, Crossbow, axe, etc basic training.

      • How to load and/or clean your weapons, tips on how to hold them and on some basic strategy.

  • Magic Class, lead by Prof. Konrad, part of the class is instructive in a classroom, and part will be out practicing in the training yard.

      • Defensive/offensive magic

      • Healing/supportive magic

      • The importance of resting & meditation, basics on the source of magic

      • The teacher may walk you through and offer strategies on how to use your own magic- all you have to do is ask.

  • U.N.I.O.N classes, lead by Prof. Fitz, this is held solely in a classroom.

Upon completing all the training, you can get a +1 weapon, so your normal basic bitch weapon now gets a +1 of damage on top their base damage! Handy!

Combat: Depict your traveler receiving melee or ranged training excluding magical spells, or doing something they learned.

Magic: Depict your traveler receiving magic training - perhaps in a meditation, using their magic for the first time, or watching a dazzling display by the master wizard himself

U.N.I.O.N: Depict your traveler asking a question in class (please make it stupid Sozz will love that), or how they react to the professor's yelling method.

4.) Practice makes perfect!
ID CODE: 12982948
2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

  • Collabs are encouraged and will receive Vodka.

It's time to grab a buddy and take your skills to Holo-training, where everything feels real and the battlegrounds are always different. Theres always a crowd to cheer you on if you head there in the evenings. I've heard they even place bets...

  • Fight together against CPUs, a teacher, or each other! Use your magic and increase your reaction times.

  • If you're rude like that, you can just sneak-attack friends in the street.

  • Fight alone against a CPU if you want to be able to focus on yourself

Because everything is better with FRIENDSHIP! or maybe you wanna punch someone in their perfect teeth, tony stark style

Depict your character in battle vs someone! this is encouraged to be a collab.

5.) Join an RP party!
ID CODE: 12982950

Dates to come, here are the potential RP parties:

  • Cross Campus Paintball

  • Cross Campus Pillow Fort Wars

  • Cross Campus The-Floor-Is-Lava

Join for most of the RPs and get NUMS.


  1. [EVERYONE IS GIVEN 2 MONTHS TO COMPLETE THE EVENT TO EARN REWARDS.] That is a lot of time, but if you think you will still be turning in something late, you have until the 10th of the month to submit your creation and receive 1/2 of the reward. After that, we will no longer accept submissions for that prompt unless stated otherwise.

  2. [THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ARE...] Visual creations (ie. digital & traditional artwork) must submit a colored half-body piece, and literature must submit at least 1,500 words. Everything will be viewed and read to ensure that the submission addresses the prompt it was made for. If we feel that the submission doesn't quite match the prompt, we'll let you know!

  3. [RP LOGS AND CAMPAIGNS ARE ACCEPTED.] These must at least be 3,000 words. All of the participants will receive the same amount of rewards, so don't worry about figuring out how to split it evenly, haha.

  4. [COLLABORATIONS ARE ALLOWED.] Speaking of which, yes, collaborations are indeed allowed! And you also don't have to worry about splitting the loot equally. Everyone receives the same amount of rewards!

  5. [IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE OF YOUR OWN BEACON TRAVELERS IN THE SAME SUBMISSION...] They will all receive the same amount of rewards since they are participating in the event prompt.

  6. [SUBMIT TO THE CORRECT THREAD.] You can find it here:

Any questions? Ask in the #help channel of our Discord server!
DEADLINE: There is no deadline!

This event serves as a lead-in to missions and every character must complete one prompt before taking on missions! This is for ease of access, but you're welcome to complete all of them to reap the rewards!

Do you really enjoy Cafe Phantasia's universe and you want to contribute to it?
Maybe by making an event or brainstorming a new dimension to travel to? DM someone on the mod team so we can work together and see if we can make it happen!


  • Taking time to warm up into saving dimensions, Cry first grants the new recruits (thats all of us!) access to the Pocket Dimension that houses The Beacon Company's HQ across dimensions, "Evergate".

  • While there, trained Beacon members in Greendell college try to teach our rag-tag team of earth dweller's how to survive- mentally, emotionally, and as long as you can in your dtv - in the upcoming trials. Expect the unexpected.

  • Every member will learn that the battles are old, and even then, there is still little known of the current threats. The job surpasses mere combat, perseverance, teamwork, and information on the enemy is vital. Bring back whatever you can on your journeys.

  • There is no limit to fun here, though, you will meet all sorts of interesting folk and earn your honour in the holo-fights. Enjoy your stay, you will always be welcome to return.