Ready to go again ?

"Welcome, welcome! What a pleasure to see you again, always charming to have Beacon Travelers come and go! You already know what you are here for! Is all fun and games, I promise!" Speaks the man with the grey hair and red hat, familiar to some, stranger to others. Introducing himself as the one in charge of the floating island.

Just like last year, it is that time when everyone in your branch of Beacon, gets their invitations to Yugar! An envelope got delivered in the mail at some point in the week leading up to it, surely something to look forward to! Mark the calendar and all that!

The island stays afloat thanks to magic, so, as you can guess, the place is full of top tier inventions, gadgets, and with plenty of large buildings to look around at, mostly, turns out, are for accommodation. While the rest are for large events, games that are held to entertain an audience and those who participate are handsomely rewarded. 

Oh, and let's not forget, The Tea House.

Join the games, test your wits, get rewards or gamble even!

Any questions? Ask in the #help channel of our Discord server!
DEADLINE: August 5th, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST


1.) Battle Royale
REWARD(S): First place :: 350 exp + 350 nums + 1x Joker Card
Second place :: 250 exp + 250 nums + 1x Joker Card

You know how this works, don't you ? But just for those who were not here before, allow me to give you a quick run down! Make sure to read through, once, just so you know what you're getting into.

RP Party! Join a team and go head to head against the your opponents. DM'd by either Toto or Nommie, announcement for RP times to come, keep an eye on the discord!

2.)  Pantheon

REWARD(S): Acolyte:: 450 exp + 500 nums + As many joker cards as bosses you face.
Exaltant:: 550 exp + 600 nums + As many joker cards as bosses you face.

Surely you remember every single one of the terrors and enemies you have fell all through your time in Beacon, don't you ? Every large and imposing force that stood against you at one point or another. Well, it's each of those that now make up this make shift 'Pantheon'. Care to face them one after another ? Pick your difficulty and test your resolve.

Acolyte :: Considered an easier difficulty. Party size of 5-6. 3 Bosses per run with one long rest and one short rest in between in that order. Levels 1-4.

Exaltant :: Considered a more challenging difficulty. Party size of 4-5. 4 Bosses per run, with one long rest and one short rest, to be used at players' discretion. Levels 4+.

RP Party! Join an available team. DM'd by either Toto or Nommie, announcement for RP times to come, keep an eye on the discord!

3.) Dungeon Race
REWARD(S): First place :: 300 exp + 350 nums + 1x Joker Card
Second place :: 250 exp + 250 nums + 1x Joker Card

Delve deep into a short but challenging dungeon crawl to test your skills. And what's more? It's a race! Two teams of 4 enter, but only one can claim the first place prize. Two RPs will be going on at the same time, whichever team can get through the dungeon fastest will win!

RP Party! Join a team and run through a dungeon filled with traps and other obstacles. DM'd by either Toto or Nommie, announcement for RP times to come, keep an eye on the discord!

4.) Visit the Tea-House.
REWARD(S): It's a trade! It's a gamble!

The hosts of the Tea House welcome travelers and adventurers alike, offering fantastic unheard of blends of delicious tea, as well as a chance to gamble. A trade for a chance to acquire something from the owners' treasure trove of useful trinkets. It all depends on what you offer, of course! 

For each three items you offer, you will get one, weapons and armour for an item of similar use, and so on. Sounds fair ? I sure hope so.

Comment in 'The Bubble Pot' channel in the discord server! 

5.) Enjoy the show.
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

There's plenty to do, from helping medics and healers with those who just joined the battle royale and the dungeon crawl, to watching or maybe you're more of a gambler ? Place some bets on your favorite team, see if they win you something! There's more to do than beating your buddies up or running through a hallway with swinging axes.

Depict your character patching up a bud, cheering them on, or just watching everything go down.
Or place a bet with someone in the server, because gambling, of course, it's allowed, all with nums or in game items.


Do you really enjoy Cafe Phantasia's universe and you want to contribute to it?
Maybe by making an event or brainstorming a new dimension to travel to? DM someone on the mod team so we can work together and see if we can make it happen!