[ INFO & FAQ ]

Ask in our Discord's #help channel or message us on ToyHou.se!


Q: What is the group's main platform(s)?

A: We are mainly a Discord-based group! Everybody has to have a ToyHou.se at the minimum to submit to our database! We do have a DeviantART group profile, but this is to serve as an advertising platform (because Eclipse sucks).

NOTE: If you do not have a ToyHou.se but would like to join us, ask us for a TH invite code!

Q: Do I have to know how to draw in order to join?

A: No, you don't have to! We accept both writers and artists, regardless of skill-level! We have minimum requirements depending on whether you join as writer or an artist.

  • As a WRITER, you need to be able to write in a literature/paragraph format. It doesn't have to be Shakespeare levels of work. We accept regardless of skill-level. It only has to be comprehensible.

  • As an ARTIST, you need to have a basic understanding of anatomy. Everyone is at different points in their drawing career and that's completely okay! Establishing basic knowledge and understanding (ie. doing more than stick-figures) is required before joining the group.

Q: What DnD System are you using?

A: Be aware we're using a homebrew system! It's inspired by 5th edition, but not an exact copy. Rulings have been simplified in order for players of all experience levels to get started and be able to participate. Consider us a branching point to DnD with the big kids!

Q: How much do I need to know about DnD to participate?

A: Nothing at all! We use it to contribute to the story-portion and mechanics of our group and we do our best to be beginner-friendly. We host DND campaigns within the group roughly once a month that are beginner-friendly as well! If you're willing to learn, we're willing to teach! Again, please note that our DND systems are all homebrew.

Q: Why is the age recommendation 17+ years old?

A: Simply put, our target audience is young adults. Our general chats allow for some suggestive humour, and our themes are targeted towards this age group.


Q: What happens if I get the join questions wrong?

A: YOU WILL BE PERSONALLY SENT TO HELL- No, nah. We're not that mean, LOL. We want everyone to have a chance to enter the group, but also have these questions so that you understand the basics of CaPh/TBC we've laid out! You have 3 chances to answer all of them correctly. It will go in this order:

  • 1st attempt incorrect:
    We will highlight which questions you got correct and incorrect.

  • 2nd attempt incorrect:
    We will link you the specific pages the information can be found in so that you can read it carefully.

  • 3rd attempt incorrect:
    We apologize and say that you cannot join the group during this opening.

Q: Do I have to have my app-art drawn or can I use a dollmaker?

A: Yes, you must have a drawn application! Writers won't need to draw their own app, and instead can commission their art, whether that be with money or through our Helpful Artists program.

Dollmakers are not an option, but you are welcome to use them as a reference in helping your artist understand what you're imagining for your character!

More information and a list of artists can be found on this page: Helpful Artists


Questions relating to Residents and DTVs can be found at the top of each character creation page!

This is so that you can find everything you need relating to the subject in one spot.


Q: What are the benefits to joining the Beacon Company?

A: Those who have enlisted in The Beacon Company are given benefits, which are listed below. However most importantly, they are given protection from Cry, which allows a traveler to not die from sickness or attempted manslaughter.

Additionally, they are given one wish in return for risking their mental health by joining the Beacon Company.

Travelers must work for the company for 20 years before qualifying for retirement. Those who leave the company before qualifying for retirement only keep Cry's Protection, and a handful of other benefits listed below.

If you work for a Beacon-affiliated business in Mirstone, you qualify for unpaid leave and may remain in a dimension for long periods of time as long as you can validate that you were on a mission.

Benefits List


  • Free housing in The Beacon Company's apartment, house, and shop-houses. See Residential Services for more.

  • Free healthcare, including dental, vision, and mental health.

  • Stable income in the form of an assured job at CafΓ© Phantasia, or Beacon-Affiliated business.

      • Missions and training also pay.

  • Monthly rations, as well as 3 trips to the Commissary on base.

  • Travelers can make their partner or children under 26 their dependents, granting them access to the benefits below.

  • Military base access.

  • Free access to military plane trips.


  • 4 years of college is paid for.

  • Cry's Protection.

  • Dependents keep Cry's Protection.

RETIREMENT BENEFITS (10 years of service):

  • Keeps benefits listed above.

  • May qualify for disability.

  • Qualify for free therapy.

Q: What happens if my dimension traveler resigns from Beacon?

A: They are released from the Beacon Company and they will no longer have access to the portal to travel into other dimensions. Their wish will remain fulfilled and their benefits from joining the Company will continue until they lose connection. Cry watches over and protects current AND former employees to ensure that they only die of old age.


Q: Can my character(s) die in this group?

A: Your dimension traveler is unable to die in other dimensions. Their DTV will take damage instead. Characters are able to die in their native dimensions, however it cannot be from sickness or manslaughter.

Your dimension traveler's DTV however can die. THIS IS OPTIONAL, THOUGH! During missions and campaigns, if your character fails all of their death saving rolls, they become incapacitated. Whether or not they die is up to you.

Q: What happens if my character dies on a mission?

A: Your traveler is ejected from the dimension they're in and sent back to the pocket dimension's hospital before their DTV dies completely. No physical body will remain, your DTV's DnD papers will spontaneously combust in the main world. Having a DTV die has a toll on the original body, however. It can throw the traveler into a comatose for a week to a month. (If they are new to dying, it'll only be about a week. But the more times they die, the weaker their body gets and the longer their comotose is.) If you opt into having your DTV die, your traveler will be timed out for the duration of their comatose.

In comatose, You cannot participate in any missions or events with this traveler. You can spend this time creating a new DTV, and end the timeout sooner by completing your traveler's new DTV or purchasing Resignation & Replacement Papers.

TL;DR - Is this just a free DTV redesign caused by in-group mechanics/events? Yeah.


Q: What time era is this group?

A: In the main world (Earth), it's our own modern Earth so it follows our time! Other dimensions' time periods will differ, it all depends on the dimensions! So you may see some medieval-set dimensions while there's others with extremely advanced technology like steam/cyberpunk.

Q: How does time flow in this group?

A: In this group, we have a mixture of liquid time and real time! Events such as birthdays, seasons, and holidays are reflected that day in-universe. However, RPs, bi-monthly events, and missions are liquid time. (For example, a campaign takes 3 irl days to complete but for the characters, it's all happening in one day for them.)

NOTE: Time flows the same in all of the dimensions and the main world.

Q: Do other gods exist and in different dimensions?

A: Yes! Gods (including Cry & Nat) exist across different dimensions. If you create a DTV that pulls their divine power from gods, you are free to use a known entity or craft your own.

Feel free to ask questions in the #help channel if you want to check if what your planning is a viable option.