[ Laios's Weaponry ]

As you enter the store, the sounds of metal being struck echoes throughout the room, the temperature warmer than it was outside, accompanied by the sound of clinking metal bits. 

✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

A tall, gruff man stands at his workstation, the source of the rhythmic, repetitive clanks of steel on steel as he works a red hot blade on his anvil. His deep gruffy voice welcomes you inside, as he puts whatever he is working on at the moment to turn and look at whoever just entered. He gestures around the shop.
'No, these are NOT for LARP-ing, or what you call it, these are the real deal! I make them myself!'
He gestures to where the Special Stock is and then towards the back of the shop.
'That's where the armour is, go on, take a look, come to the counter once you're done.'

Normal Stock

Small Piercing or Slashing Weapons

Bowie Knife

A wide bladed knife with one edge and a tapered tip, includes a cross-guard on the hilt to protect the wielder's hand

Damage: 1d4+1 slashing/piercing


240 nums

Beaver Tail Dag

Named for it's tapered shape, this dagger boasts an oval blade with two edges, cut through your opponents like a beaver cuts through water!

Damage: 1d4+2 slashing/piercing


320 nums

Large Piercing or Slashing Weapons


A single edged sword with a slight curve towards the end of the blade. The hilt sports a cross-guard, finger guard, and pommel.

Damage: 1d6+2 slashing/piercing


500 nums


A thin, long double edge blade, and somewhat flexible. Affixed to a hilt with an intricate cross-guard and hand cage to protect the wielder

Damage: 1d6+1 slashing/piercing


430 nums


An axe blade topped with a spike and a hook on the opposite side of the axe, all attached to a long polearm.

Damage: 1d6+1 slashing/piercing


430 nums

War Scythe

A dramatically curved blade with its edge along the concave side. Affixed to a long polearm.

Damage: 1d6+2 slashing


500 nums

Blunt Weapons

Morning Star

A thick metal ball with several spikes protruding from it, attached to a short pole.

Damage: 1d6+2 bludgeoning


430 nums


It's dutch for "good day", which your enemies certainly won't have after you hit em with this! A combination of a club with a spear, A thick wooden club with a metal spike on the wider end.

Damage: 1d6+1 bludgeoning


380 nums

Ranged Weapons + Ammo

Hand Crossbow
A small crossbow that fastens to the user's forearm. Use the dropdown menu to see ammo prices.

Damage: 1d6+1

280 nums

A thin, curved wooden weapon that when thrown correctly, will fly in a spiral and return to the thrower.

Damage: 1d6

240 nums

A small crossbow that uses stone bullets as ammo, like an upgraded slingshot! Use the dropdown menu to see ammo prices.

Damage: 1d6

160 nums

Special Stock

Got Some Ammo ?

Haha! I heard the streets talking and saying ya bunch wanted some ammunition for bows, crossbows and guns, so I got some help from our man from the future, Newton here to give me a hand making some! Another head and more experience never hurts, is what I've learned through the years, so make sure thank him!

200 Nums per roll.

All of them are one use and can only be used with a bow, crossbow or gun.
When purchasing, roll a 1d6 to see what you get.

Faerie Shot

Arrow, bolt or bullet, this piece of ammo sparkles surrounded by a colorful sparkling fire. Shot as a ranged attack. Does 1d8 piercing damage on a hit, and the target is now marked by the sparkling flame, giving advantage to all attacks directed at them for the next round and the target cannot go invisible

Healing Shot

Sometimes ya need to give some tough love. There's some healing potion carefully embedded in this shot. On a hit it does 1d4 piercing damage to the target, BUT heals them for 1d10 to the same creature.

Fire Shot

Catching fire as it travels through the air when shot. Does 1d6 Piercing damage + 1d8 Fire damage on a hit.

Shock Shot

You can hear the crackling of electricity running through it as you load it onto your ranged weapon of choice. The same power that will hit your targets if your shot lands, they take 1d6 Piercing + 1d8 Lightning damage.

Viper Bite

After your hit a creature with this (1d6 Piercing damage), the bullet, bolt, or arrow, transforms into a venomous snake that attacks the creature you targeted (+5 to hit), on a successful hit it deals 1d4 piercing damage and the target must make a CON save DC 14 or take 3d4 poison damage. The snake then vanishes.

Flash Shot

Surrounded by bright radiant energy, this piece of ammo glows in your hands, leaving a trail of light as it's shot. On a successful hit, it does 1d6 Piercing damage + 1d6 Radiant, and the bright flash of light it emits when hitting a target leaves them blind until the end of their next turn.

Armour & Shields

Mage's Robes

A set of simple robes, designed for Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics, and Warlocks.
These robes add a +1 to your AC, as well as a +1 to your Spell Save DC



Studded Wooden Shield

A sturdy wooden shield with metal bolts decorating it in a circle.
This adds a +2 to your AC, it can only be wielded by: Barbarians, Blood Hunters, Rangers, Paladins and Fighters



Shinobi Shozoku

A set of clothing typically worn by ninjas that is easy to move in, while concealing the wearer and their weapons. This adds a +1 to your AC, and a +1 to stealth checks. It can be worn by Rogues, and Monks



Fur Cape

A cape made of thick fur, keeping the wearer warm during cold nights in the wilderness, and cushions possible blows. Can be worn by Druids and Rangers. Adds +1 to AC and +1 to Nature or Animal Handling checks!



Protective Garments

PPE made with Artificers in mind, working on new inventions and potions can sometimes be tricky business. These garments add +1 to AC and come with acid resistant properties.



The Forge

Available at lvl 6+.
Any materials you find in your travels or items that are in need of repairing or some maintenance can be brought back to Laios, he'll hammer them into shape in no time! These may add special effects onto your weapons or upgrade them in one way or another! 

Material Name

this is a wip!

(effect goes here)



Material Name

this is a wip!

(effect goes here)

