Because it's Wiiiiiiinteeeer!

It is winter outside, the temperature drops as do the snowflakes outside the cafe, and you would think that going through the portal to Greendell will provide an escape from it, right ? In theory, yes.
That is, until you walk out the other side and realize the whole place looks like a scene from a snow globe that someone recently shook, with even more snow falling down on your head. The roofs of the different buildings are coated in a thin layer of white, large piles decorate the ground, and the roads barely cleared to allow people to walk, but with just enough left that each step gets that good old crunch to your walk. To some, it's a familiar sight, while for others it's their first time seeing snow! Maybe winter isn't like this for those coming from other dimensions ?

Regardless of what the case is, it is here to stay for some time, so might as well make the best of it!


1.) Dress up for the festivities!
ID CODE: 13755351
40 nums

  • covers 1 figure; + corresponding nums for additional figures and writing

After taking in the view of a Greendell that looks almost like a different place entirely, comes the realization that it is actually fairly cold! At least for those who's DTV isn't equipped to deal with low temperatures. So it's time to get yourself more comfortable and find said equipment in the form of a new outfit! A winter outfit!
And let's not forget, you are invited to the company's Winter Party, you gotta at least dress up a bit!!!

Depict your traveler in a formal winter outfit!

2.) Participate in the winter activites!
ID CODE: 13755351
100 nums

  • covers 2 figures; + corresponding nums for additional figures and writing

  • + 50 nums for collaborations

  • Prompt can be redone 5 times per traveler.

      • Each attempt is a different prompt.

All warm and comfortable, yeah ? Good! Now it's time to have some good fun with all the seasonal things the Pocket Dimension has to offer!

Depict your traveler participating in any of the following activities! Feel free to grab some colleagues!

  • Sitting on Santa's lap. (It's just Cry in a Santa costume because they love Earth culture and they're handing out fraudulent store coupons. Yes, they work.)

  • Kissing under the mistletoe. (OoOoh, SpIcY. OwO? Go easy or go hard, we're not judging. There's no rules.)

  • Get in a snowball fight. (Start a war, build a fort to take cover, team up with others.)

  • Enjoy the snow. (Have an existential crisis while embracing the beautiful scenery or just, you know, enjoy watching those snowflakes fall.)

  • Ride a dragon sleigh. (Feel like Santa in the sky. But with FIRE SHOOTING OUT OF THE REIN-DRAGONS.)

3.) Join us for an RP party!
ID CODE: 13755351
100 nums

The DMs are cooking up a SNOWSTORM!

We will give more information as soon as possible!


  1. [EVERYONE IS GIVEN 1 MONTH TO COMPLETE THE MINI-EVENT TO EARN REWARDS.] There will be no tardy period for half points.

  2. [THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ARE...] Visual creations (ie. digital & traditional artwork) must submit a colored half-body art and literature must submit at least 1,500 words. Everything will be viewed and read to ensure that the submission addresses the prompt it was made for. If we feel that the submission doesn't quite match the prompt, we'll let you know!

  3. [RP LOGS AND CAMPAIGNS ARE ACCEPTED.] These must at least be 3,000 words. All of the participants will receive the same amount of rewards, so don't worry about figuring out how to split it evenly, haha.

  4. [COLLABORATIONS ARE ALLOWED.] Speaking of which, yes, collaborations are indeed allowed! And you also don't have to worry about splitting the loot equally. Everyone receives the same amount of rewards!

  5. [IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE OF YOUR OWN BEACON TRAVELERS IN THE SAME SUBMISSION...] They will all receive the same amount of rewards since they are participating in the event prompt.

  6. [SUBMIT TO THE CORRECT THREAD.] You can find it here:

Any questions? Ask in the #help channel of our Discord server!
DEADLINE: January 15th, 2021 @ 11:59pm PST

Do you really enjoy Cafe Phantasia's universe and you want to contribute to it?
Maybe by making an event or brainstorming a new dimension to travel to? DM someone on the mod team so we can work together and see if we can make it happen!


  • Badoop.