"The circus is in town!"

There seems to be a traveling circus traveling throughout the lands of Mirstone! The atmosphere it brings with it seems fun and light-hearted. Between town to town, the performers sing and dance, leaving a trail of warm echoing laughter that attracts the attention of both young and old townsfolk alike. As they set up their carnival in the Fairgrounds of Mirstone, lights project from the area to announce that they have officially settled into town and they're available for all.

Unfortunately, as luck would have it with all good things, there seems to be an air of suspicion following in the wake of the circus folk. Detective Arrubal and Officer Krylov have approached the Beacon Company in hopes of requesting for the travelers to keep an eye on the actors associated with the circus.

Something does not feel right.

Any questions? Ask in the #help channel of our Discord server!
DEADLINE: December 2nd, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST


1.) Act natural.
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

Remember, you are surrounded by the citizens of Mirstone so blend in with the crowd! You want to maintain the atmosphere of friendly banter and fond memories being made, not incite panic. There's a number of things you can do!

Depict your traveler having fun at the circus! While we have some suggestions as to what they can do, you're free to make up your own activities!

2.) Watch the show.
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

It's the main attraction of the circus, after all! Why not stay and indulge yourself with a show? There's lion taming, tight-rope walking, contortionism, elephants, OF COURSE CLOWNS, and more! So grab some popcorn and enjoy yourself! Maybe even volunteer to be a part of the show? Show off any tricks you got from being a Beacon traveler! (Do a back flip!)

Depict your traveler's reaction towards the circus! Do they admire the show or did they develop a newfound fear for clowns? Who knows! You do!

3.) Interact with the actors.
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

There's a Ringleader, Knife-thrower, Beast Tamer, Clowns, Acrobats, a Snake Charmer, you name it, they sure are a colorful bunch and are not shy to talk to the people coming in, in fact, they love showing off their talent, that's why they're here! Maybe there's an improvised act and the Fire-breather needs a volunteer, are you feeling brave ?

Depict your traveler(s) interacting with a member of the crew, be it just chit-chatting or perhaps they volunteer to help one of them with an act and sharing the spotlight, even learning a trick or two, ever wanted juggling lessons from an expert ? Now's a great time!

4.) Where did they go ?
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

It's not hard to get lost in carnival ground, the place is huge, there's a lot of tents where colourful acts and midway games take a spot, and with the amount of people that wander around, some brought about by the news of the circus itself. But whispers have been spreading, enough so that there's even officers on the case. Can you help find some clues ? Maybe catch some suspicious activities going on behind the scenes ? Are the actors not who they seem to be ?Β 

Depict your traveler(s)searching for clues, questioning some of the circus goers or even the actors themselves, or talking with the detective and officer in charge of the investigation.Β 

5.) Join us for an RP party!

The DMs are cooking in the kitchen!

Keep an eye out in our Discord server for more details!


Do you really enjoy Cafe Phantasia's universe and you want to contribute to it?
Maybe by making an event or brainstorming a new dimension to travel to? DM someone on the mod team so we can work together and see if we can make it happen!