Through the time of your work with Beacon you've only heard that their goal is to save dimensions, other world, from this so called UNION, but so far you have yet to come face to face with a task that big...
In the past couple days there's been people constantly coming and going through the portal at Evergate, the pocket dimension looking a bit emptier than usual and as Gavriil gather the group of Mirstone travelers he explains why.

"There is a dimension that needs our help, not to be saved, because both our efforts and theirs have been fruitless, but we need all the help we can get because there is still hope for those who live there, they're the ones we gotta help..." He starts, going into detail about helping evacuate those willing to come with Beacon, about how there's a certainty that UNION had something to do with what is happening.

"The world we are going to" He continues. "The inhabitant of the world have no magic of their own, but they've developed fantastic technological advances thanks to a source buried for centuries deep underground, they called them 'Sleeping Gods', and harnessed their power for their inventions. These 'Sleeping Gods' have awoken, something or someone woke them up, they are titans that once more walk the earth, colossus beings full of power that, according to reports and what we've seen, run rampant, there is no friend nor ally, not even among themselves, and the sheer explosive power of these beings is destroying the world they once roamed"
Gavriil shakes his head.
"We are not asked to face off against them, but to provide all the help we can manage and give those who live there a ray of hope, a beacon, if you will, that they have a future to look forward to still"
DEADLINE: August 09, 2021 @ 11:59pm PST


1.) First Impressions
2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

As you step through the familiar portal in Evergate along with other Beacon members, there is a flash of light, and opening your eyes, there is what looks like a plaza, the center of a small city or area of a city reminiscent of the early Industrial Revolution. The buildings all around you are well built, and all of them decorated with lights that crackle and sparkle, perhaps a little duller than they once did. There's pipes built to the sides of each building that seems to circulate some sort of electricity throughout the area of the city the portal is at. Large decorations made of brass and other metals can be found mostly on the storefronts around the plaza.

Exploring further, however, reveals that is just a part of the city that has been sectioned off and closed, people huddle together inside some of the stores and larger buildings. Everything else outside the marked area looks darker, no light, nothing to power it.

Dire and dull as things may seem, there is always a workshop or two, or an artificer sitting at a bench with a trinket or two, tinkering. Creation and invention are still an obvious part of this world, even during times likes these.

Depict your character's reaction or impression upon arrival. What do they think of this world ? Can they imagine what it once was ?

2.) Celebrate One Last Time
2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

Festivities, traditions and celebrations are all part of what makes a world's culture, and with theirs in the brink of collapse, some of those who remain want to celebrate their favourite holidays one more time. The celebrations may not be as big as they once were, but regardless, those hosting them would like to share them with the people helping them. You, Beacon Travelers. Join them and celebrate!

- Trinkets and Trials!
It's a show of the newest gadgets and trinkets that the brilliant minds of the world have to offer. Sure, there may not be much magic power to keep those running for long, but they're here to show off while they can!

- Dearly Departed
In every city or town, there is a large tree made out of wires full of empty spots where a lightbulb would go, during the day of the Dearly Departed, people gather around it, putting one up for a family member or friend that has passed away that lights up in what was their favourite colour. By the end of the night the tree is all lit up, a reminder and homage to those who have passed.

Mech Rodeo
A bunch of mechanical bulls are let loose for people to try and ride on! They run down the streets of a city or town, tho this time it will be a much smaller area, for safety reasons, and whoever is feeling brace is welcome to try and hop onto one to see if they can hold on for the entire ride! Or just run beside them if you can keep up!

Depict your character not only learning about these, but also joining in even ? Celebrate and get to know the inhabitants of this world a little more before the inevitable.

3.) Last Minute Requests
2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated + 200 EXP
(This prompt can only be done twice for the EXP, after that you'll only be rewarded with nums.)

Be it helping them get something they forgot, finding an old family heirloom or reuniting with a family member they got separated from in the chaos, the world outside of the safezones they have established is currently too dangerous to go out alone, plus, part of being a Beacon traveler is also giving a hand with smaller requests. Some times, it IS the small things that give people hope after all!

Depict your character(s) fulfilling some of these requests, listening to their stories, helping out some of the people, or perhaps denying some requests that may be too risky.

4.) Reinforcements
2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated + 200 EXP
(This prompt can only be done twice for the EXP, after that you'll only be rewarded with nums.)

No matter how reinforced or how safe they think some of these safe zones are, there are always risks, specially with the so called Colossal Gods stomping around. A single step can make the earth quake, a yell can shatter buildings, not to mention the ability to bend the elements to their will with ease. So when one of these gets anywhere close to where people are, it can get really dangerous and those trying to keep everyone else safe will need all the extra hands they can get!

Depict your character(s) helping reinforce the walls around a safe zone, moving people somewhere safer or possibly even acting as a distraction for the colossus.

5.) Join an RP Party!
RP Dependent

There's still stories to be told, or perhaps, it is not what remains nor the people there that'll have something to say, but whoever is actually behind it all.

RP Party, join and potentially uncover more about this world and what's happening to it! Also get EXP and Nums!


  1. [EVERYONE IS GIVEN 2 MONTHS TO COMPLETE THE EVENT TO EARN REWARDS.] That is a lot of time, but if you think you will still be turning in something late, you have until the 10th of the month to submit your creation and receive 1/2 of the reward. After that, we will no longer accept submissions for that prompt unless stated otherwise.

  2. [THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ARE...] Visual creations (ie. digital & traditional artwork) must submit a colored half-body art and literature must submit at least 1,500 words. Everything will be viewed and read to ensure that the submission addresses the prompt it was made for. If we feel that the submission doesn't quite match the prompt, we'll let you know!

  3. [RP LOGS AND CAMPAIGNS ARE ACCEPTED.] These must at least be 3,000 words. All of the participants will receive the same amount of rewards, so don't worry about figuring out how to split it evenly, haha.

  4. [COLLABORATIONS ARE ALLOWED.] Speaking of which, yes, collaborations are indeed allowed! And you also don't have to worry about splitting the loot equally. Everyone receives the same amount of rewards!

  5. [IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE OF YOUR OWN BEACON TRAVELERS IN THE SAME SUBMISSION...] They will all receive the same amount of rewards since they are participating in the event prompt.

  6. [SUBMIT TO THE CORRECT THREAD.] You can find it here:

Any questions? Ask in the #help channel of our Discord server!
DEADLINE: August 09, 2021 @ 11:59pm PST

Do you really enjoy Cafe Phantasia's universe and you want to contribute to it?
Maybe by making an event or brainstorming a new dimension to travel to? DM someone on the mod team so we can work together and see if we can make it happen!


  • Badoop.