the origins of the country

The origins of the country

Petralia Soprana is a small town in the centre of Sicily some 115kms from Palermo. It is situated on the top of a mountain which is 1147 metres above sea level. It is in the heart of Madonie mountain range. Petralia has a long history which takes us back to the Sicani who, it is believed, founded the town in 1700 BC. During the first Punic Whar the romans took control of the town and used is as a base for the production of grain. The town is referred to by Cicero in the third book of “Verrine”. In the eleventh century the town was taken by the Arab invaders and renamed BATRALIAH. In 1062 it was pacefully given to the Normans under count Ruggero d' Altavilla; he fortified the town and built the church of S.Teodoro. During the middle age the town did not suffer many changes. Indeed, today, it still preserves the same town plane with cobble-stone streets suggestive piazzas surrouneded by old places and medieval churches.