Random Events

Note: Some of the following random events are no longer on site!

Nothing Happens:

  • While visiting the mountains "DOG NAME" darts off, chasing a dark shadow behind a corner, you perused only to find him playing with a rat! Eww, it's a rat! You grab your dog and ran away as fast as you can.
  • "DOG NAME" suddenly runs into the hedgerow and comes back being chased by a peacock! It pecks at your dog's poor little head before running off..
  • You are out walking "DOG NAME" when a playful lamb comes ambling up, it seems to like your dog, but your dog turns up it's nose and leaves the lamb behind...
  • You spot a dark, round thing in the snow, and lean down to pick it up. However, just before you do, it jumps up, kicks some snow in your face, and bolts off!
  • You and "DOG NAME" were out walking downtown when a rustling in the alleyway caught "DOG NAME"'s attention. Closer inspection revealed a scruffy little kitty hiding in a garbage can! Frightened by you and "DOG NAME", she darts away before you can blink.

Gain Money:

  • Robyn looks your way and appears to like what she sees. She hands you "RANDOM $$"!
  • Wysper runs by, quick as the wind. She whispers a "hello" and drops "RANDOM $$" beside you. Before you realize what happened, she's gone.
  • A wild Aadyn appeared! Not wanting a battle, she throws "RANDOM $$" at you, and disappears into the night!
  • A Mink slinks by and drops "RANDOM $$", but scampers off leaving it behind.
  • Your dog "DOG NAME" went out for a walk and found something, money! You earned "RANDOM $$"!

Lose Money:

  • You were walking in the park, and your dog "DOG NAME"'s leash broke! You had to pay $100 for a leash law fine.
  • "DOG NAME" relieved themselves in the park, uh oh! Look who forgot to bring the pooper-scooper. You paid $75 in fines.
  • Your dog "DOG NAME" led the robbers away! But not before they stole "RANDOM $$". But look on the bright side! Your dog earned 2 points in speed!
  • "DOG NAME" broke Shallow's toy. You paid $80 to buy her a new one.
  • Little Robyn-Fufu has deemed you to be a field mouse, and bonked you on the head! You lose $75 in the confusion. Just what is up with that crazy girl anyways? o_O

Gain Speed:

  • Your dog "DOG NAME" led the robbers away! But not before they stole "RANDOM $$". But look on the bright side! Your dog earned 2 points in speed!
  • You and "DOG NAME" met another dog while walking. "DOG NAME" and the other dog began playing and raced off, dashing across the park together. After a while "DOG NAME" returned, tired but happy. "DOG NAME" gained one point in speed.
  • Your dog "DOG NAME" met another dog while walking. "DOG NAME" spotted a squirrel and chased it down the street. You're tired, but at least "DOG NAME" gained one point in speed.

Gain Hunger

  • "Oh no! A particularly hungry dog has muscled its way in and ate all of "DOG NAME"`s food! And even the bowl too! Your dog sounds VERY hungry now..."

Gain Item:

  • You and "DOG NAME" were training and "DOG NAME" got distracted and found a smooshed toad. That's gross.
  • You and "DOG NAME" are trying to sneak up on the opposite team when you find a Superhero Cape! Now you'll have a one up on your enemies!
  • You and "DOG NAME" are trying to sneak up on the opposite team when you find a Zombie Sword! Now you'll have a one up on your enemies!
  • You've found yourself a very coveted and rare Timestop!

Gain Accessory:

  • It's time for Halloween! What a good thing you've just found a Pumpkin Candy Trick or Treat Bag!
  • You and "DOG NAME" are searching in the pumpkin patch. "DOG NAME" sniffs around, and find a tiny pumpkin, perfect for lacing around her collar!
  • You and "DOG NAME" are searching in the pumpkin patch. "DOG NAME" sniffs around, and find a tiny pumpkin, perfect for a Pumpkin Hat!
  • "DOG NAME" is sniffing along the bushes. Aack! Spiderwebs cover his nose, and there is a huge Black Widow Spider on his muzzle!
  • You and "DOG NAME" are just discussing how much you love your country, when you see a "FLAG" waving in the distance! Your dog goes to fetch it!
  • "DOG NAME" picks up something in the gutter. It’s covered in mud, but it looks like it would make a rather nice toy once cleaned up!
  • "DOG NAME" is going through someone else's trash, you go to stop him, but before you do he pulls out a plush and runs off with it. Looks like it’s theirs now!
  • You and "DOG NAME" are on a walk. As you round the corner,"DOG NAME" spots something and goes to retrieve it! What you at first think is a prairie dog turns out to be just a plush! But it's soooo cute. :D
  • A beautiful bird keeps pecking at your noggin before settling itself down... right into your inventory!

Gain Companion:

  • You and "DOG NAME" are on a walk when suddenly you come across a little fellow! He wants to be your dog's friend and has stashed himself away in your inventory. Happy Easter Alacrity!
  • While visiting the mountains "DOG NAME" darts off, chasing a dark shadow behind a corner, you perused only to find him playing with a rat! You call your dog only to find the rat came too, oh well.
  • "DOG NAME" suddenly runs into the hedgerow and comes back being chased by a peacock! Urm you might as well take it home?
  • You are out walking "DOG NAME" when a playful lamb comes ambling up, it seems to like your dog so you decide to take it home with you. I'm sure the farmer won't notice!
  • You and "DOG NAME" are watching the birds line up, ready to leave for home, when a few individuals leave the flock and swirl around your head. Looks like some aren't quite ready to migrate after all!
  • You and "DOG NAME" are ambling about the park when an American Mink runs out, leaps on top of your dog, and perches on it's shoulders!
  • You and "DOG NAME" are ambling about the park when an American Mink runs out and lies down next to your dog!
  • While trudging through the snow, your dog "DOG NAME" almost steps on a small little grey blob of fluff! Wonder how it got all the way out here? You and your dog decide it best to take it home with you anyway.
  • You and "DOG NAME" were out walking downtown when a rustling in the alleyway caught "DOG NAME"'s attention. Closer inspection revealed a scruffy little kitty hiding in a garbage can! She's covered in garbage and dirt. You start to try and clean her off, and she's so happy for the help she trots right into your inventory!
  • You and "DOG NAME" were out walking downtown when a rustling in the alleyway caught "DOG NAME"'s attention. Closer inspection revealed a scruffy little kitty hiding in a garbage can! Poor thing. She's so happy to see you that she jumps right into your inventory!

Lose Health:Edit

  • The meanest dog ever on Alacrity bit "DOG NAME"! People should control their nasty dogs!!

Extra Training Sessions:Edit

  • You suddenly feel a rush of knowledge and feel inspired to train your dogs more today!

Double Bone Bonus

  • You've hit an Ala special! Until midnight tonight you will earn double bones on all your donations!