How to Predict Puppy's TP

Many users start the site thinking TP is what affects breeding. They're partially right, TP does affect breeding. You can only train a dog as high as their TP without the use of certain items. When you breed a dog, what matters is their Trained Total Potential. How much a dog has been trained is what affects a puppy's breeding. Breeding a dog that is not fully trained will result in lower TP dogs.

If you wish to estimate your dog’s TP, there is an equation to give you an idea of what the TP may be, including if you wish to breed your dog unmaxed or if you have companions or perks that improve the TP of offspring. We have color coded everything throughout the guide to make it easier to follow.

[BTP + (5*BMS)] + [STP + (5*SMS)] / 2 = PTP


BTP: Bitch’s Trained Total Potential**

BMS: Bitch’s Number of Maxed Stats

STP: Stud’s Trained Total Potential**

SMS: Stud’s Number of Maxed States

PTP: Possible Total Potential

**Trained Total Potential is adding up the amount trained in each stat. If your dog is maxed and you do not wish to bother with the extra math, just use their Total Potential. However if your dog is unmaxed, add up all of the training amounts on each stat.

To get the PTP for a pup with perks or Chances, use the following equations:

For one perk: PTP*1.1=NPTP

For two perks: PTP*1.2=NPTP

For one Chance: PTP*1.15=NPTP

For two Chances: PTP*1.3=NPTP

PTP=Possible Total Potential

NPTP=New Possible Total Potential

Confusing? Here’s an example using Toinen, a Bitch and Pyry, a Stud. Both are maxed and so their "Number of Maxed Stats" would be 9, one for each stat maxed on them.

Toinen has the following:

BTP (Bitch’s Trained Total Potential): 332.00**

BMS (Bitch’s Number of Maxed Stats): 9

Pyry has the following:

STP (Stud’s Trained Total Potential): 332.00**

SMS (Stud’s Number of Maxed Stats): 9

**As both are maxed, we’ve decided to use their TP instead of adding up each stat. However, if your dog is unmaxed or affected by an item that would raise it's TP, you must add up each trained stat instead of using their TP.

In the equation it would look like this:

[332.00 + (5*9)] + [332.00 + (5*9)] / 2 = PTP

[332.00 + 45] + [332.00 + 45] / 2 = PTP

(377.00 + 377.00) / 2 = PTP

754.00 / 2 = PTP

377.00 = PTP

So therefore without a perk or Chances, they would have pups around 377 TP. Since these dogs are on an account with a perk, we can then calculate the new TP:



If Chances were added onto both dogs, which are already on a perk account, we would take the NPTP from the perk account and multiply that by the Chance increase.



So two maxed dogs, with 332.00 TP each, on an account with a perk and two Chances would produce pups around 540 TP. If you had each dog on two different accounts, each with a breeding perk and with a Chance, you would use the two perk and two Chance multipliers instead.

However, despite all this math, it is not a certainty. The TP does variate and so it could be slightly above or below.

Is this still confusing to you? If you can use GoogleDocs, go here and fill in the colored boxes for BTP, BMS, STP and SMS and all the solutions will appear magically for you in bold!

Still completely lost? Before you breed your dogs, run them through the Pup Predictor. While it cannot give you the Total Potential with perks or Chances, it can give you the basic Total Potential of future pups.