Border Collie

Collie Adult

Collie Pup

The Border Collie was the 4th breed to be introduced to Alacrity.

The Border Collie is a medium-sized herding breed with a lot of energy. They originated just over one hundred years ago in western Europe, particularly concentrated in England and Scotland. They are fast, agile, intelligent, and strong; keen to work and responsive to the handler. They have a smooth, athletic, balanced appearance, with a smooth coat whether short or long. Males are ideally twenty-one inches, females slightly smaller. Originally bred as a farm dog, the breed was created with a concentration on working ability rather than type. 

Border Collies are able to quickly change between gaits and speeds, from their characteristic slow crouch or slink to a full out run used to cross a field in seconds. They can turn quickly, and their sure-footedness makes them one of the most common breeds in the agility ring. 

A Border Collie is a dog with a lot of drive, energy, and intelligence. In a modern, non-working home, a BC requires a lot of stimulation, both mental and physical. Long walks, indoor and outdoor games, training, or jobs for them to do can keep them from becoming wild and destructive. Training or competing in events such as Agility, Rally, Obedience, Herding, or many others can give your dog a great, fun outlet to enjoy with their two-legged pack members.