How to Sell your Account

Disclaimer: Do NOT sell your bones for USD. This is not allowed as per the rules.

So you are ready to sell an Alacrity account off to another player but don't know where to start? This guide will include all the information you need to sell your account while abiding by the site's rules.

Simple Steps to Selling Your Account:

  1. Select which of your accounts you wish to sell.
  2. Decide for what currency you want to sell your account.
    • What Currency Can I Get in Return for My Account?
      • Accounts can be sold for Alacash, bones, USD, or offsite currency. If you are selling your account for offsite currency, You MUST check that the other site allows for off-site trading of their currency and items. This is entirely up to them. For instance, you couldn't sell it for Deviantart, Neopets, or Lioden currency, because these sites do not allow their currency to be traded offsite.
  3. Clear the account you want to sell of everything you want to keep.. Move all dogs/items/currency you want to keep over to your other account. Make sure you also clear out any messages as well that you wouldn't want the new owner of the account to read. You may wish to blank your friends/block lists, layout coding, or anything else personal on the account. If you have the rights to any custom items, you should consider whether you wish to sell those with the account or not.
    • Can I Transfer over My Perks, Dog Slots, Upgrades, etc. to a New Account?

    • Upgrades and perks are account specific, and selling an account with 100 slots, all the perks and a forever upgrade and then taking all of that with you would be false advertising and scamming. Alacrity's staff will not assist in any attempts to steal from or defraud another player and, in cases where real monetary transactions are involved, the staff will make all attempts to contact law enforcement on behalf of the defrauded player.
  4. Advertise your account is for sale in the appropriate places. Your advertisement should include exactly what features you are selling with the account and what features you are keeping (for instance, if there are CA/CC rights attached to the account, whether you have included those in the sale) Make sure you list what type of currency you want. Be open to offers.
    • Where Can I advertise I'm selling my Account?
      • -You may advertise the sale of your account in sales chat, shouts (located under "socialize"), and on the account sales forum, located here.
  5. Make an agreement with your potential buyer once you have accepted an offer.
  6. Spend any remaining bones on the account if you're selling the account for USD. Selling bones for USD is a violation of the rules and terms of service - both you and the user buying the account can be permanently banned from the site for this violation!!! - take this step seriously and ensure it is done correctly.
  7. Submit an issue to the Mod Hub, informing staff of the transaction. Inform them of what account you are selling and which player is the one buying it. The buyer should also submit an issue letting the staff know they are purchasing the account, especially if that user already has 2 accounts. If your account is attached as a side, state this in your issue so it can be de-linked for the new owner. The below is a sample template to submit in:

Account Sale Issue Hub Form Template

Hello moderators, I am currently selling one of my accounts. I have listed all of the relevant information below.

My Main Account ID: #000

Account Being Sold: #001

Buyer of New Account: #002

I also need account #000 unlinked from the account being sold #001.

  1. Go into the account you are selling and change the password to something you wouldn't mind your buyer knowing. This means you should not leave a password on there that you currently using for your main account.
  2. Receive the payment from your buyer and immediately change the email address on the account to the one the buyer provides you. Send the buyer the login info for the account
  3. Once you receive payment, this is no longer your account and you should cease all activity on it and not log in to it again.
  4. Confirm that the buyer is able to access the account!
  5. Happy dance your sale is over!

**If you sell your account and want to make a new account to replace it, The Site Moderators MUST be notified. Your new account will be stripped of its beginning money and new player package along with any other special event items that had already been claimed on your previous account. Failure to notify the staff in order to avoid this step will result in disciplinary action, fines, and potentially the loss of your new account.

Do I notify Staff or Anyone Else if I'm Selling My Account?

- Both you and the user purchasing your account should notify staff via the issue hub during an account sale. An account sale should be reported before payment is received or login information is transferred. An admin can perform the following changes;

- Delinking your main and side accounts

- Linking the account you are keeping to any new account you may have purchased or created

- Resolve any issues regarding E-Mail address changes

- Remove unused bones from the account to prevent IP bans for all involved users

- Transfer logs to your new account and sever all ties between you and the new owner of your account.

What Happens if I had Fines, Debts, or Rule Breaks on My Account I'm Selling?