
When one of your dogs gets injured or sick you will receive a message stating which dog and with what. These are all the injuries, illnesses, and parasites that can occur at any moment. When your dog gets any one of these it is recommended that you take your dog to the vet. Which can be found at the bottom of the dogs page.


Pulled a Ligament

Broke a Bone


Infested with Fleas

Infested with Ticks

Ear Infection



Infected with Canine Parvovirus

Kennel Cough

Infected with Hookworms

Infected with Ringworm

Infected with Tapeworms

Vet Cost














Recovery Time

2 Days

5 Days

1 Day

1 Day

1 Day

1 Day

2 Days

6 Days

4 Days

2 Days

1 Day

1 Day

1 Day

First Aid Towel - After taking your dog to the vet you can equip the First Aid Towel and it will rid your dog's accident at 11:50 pm Alacrity time.

Miniature Unicorn - A companion that will rid your dog's accident at 11:50 pm Alacrity time. Only works after taking your dog to the vet.

Take Dog to Vet - You will want to take your dog to the vet if it has an accident. If you forget or choose not to your dog's health will start to go down, and it can cause a dog to die.

Recovery Time - After you take your dog to the vet this message will show up at the bottom of your dog's page. It will tell you what your dog has and at what time and day your dog will recovery.