User Profile

When you go to a user profile you can see their name, id number and when they were last active.

Send them a message, View their posts on the forum, their auctions, shop and IM the player (Doesn't work correctly so not recommended)

Blue Box- This is the breeder perk.

Purple Box- Trainer's Perk

Orange Box- Vet Perk

Green Box- Merchant Perk

Under these is the user's side account.

Red Box- Here you can add or remove from your wishlist.

Here you can leave a message on someones profile.

Profile Navigation

Here you can Navigate a user profile.  

Under Kennel you can view dogs in unkenneled section and click on your kennels or another users kennels.

Under view you can see User Logs, Add Friend or Block and Tagged Dogs.


Clicking on setting will bring up the menu to do many things to your profile.  Each section will be explained below.


Here you can see your account type and if Uprgraded for how long.
Change your Display Name
See your side account ID

Change your site layout

Change your chat font color

Show font Color and show Layout Chat

Set your dog tag

See your birthday

Edit the description so you can add a custom layout, art or anything else to your user profile

Avatar URL is where you upload the link to your avatar.

Forum Signature if you want a signature on the forums it goes here

Icon URL this is for a chat icon but right now is not working.


Here is where you change your password.

Secret Question

This is where you change your secret question.  Very important if you ever lose acces to your account.

SMS Alerts

If you want alerts sent to you via text message you can set it up here


If you need to change your email it is here.


This is where you put any coding your want on your profile.


Not currently working


Reset Display Name, Any custom layout or coding.


You can make changes to your wishlist here.  Add or remove items by clicking on them.