<<< Remove elements from an array | Logical Flow of Code (LFoC)

for(i=0; i<P-1; i++)

        printf("%d ", a[i]);

for(i=P; i<n; i++)

        printf("%d ", a[i]);

Input: 5

Input: 10 20 30 40 50

Input P = 3

Output: 10 20 40 50

#AbdurRahimRatulAliKhan #CodeLogic #ArrayManipulation #Programming

Description: This code demonstrates the logic to remove an element from an array. It takes an input array of integers and the position (P) of the element that needs to be removed. After removing the element, it prints the updated array as output.

Here's a breakdown of the code logic:

1. The code starts with a for loop that iterates from i = 0 to i = P-2 (inclusive). This loop is responsible for printing the array elements before the position (P) to be removed. It uses printf() to display the elements with a space in between.

2. Next, there is another for loop that starts from i = P to i = n-1 (inclusive). This loop is responsible for printing the array elements after the position (P) to be removed. It uses printf() to display the elements with a space in between.

3. As a result, the code effectively removes the element at the specified position (P) from the array.


- The code takes the following inputs:

  - n: The size of the array (number of elements).

  - An array of integers (size n), containing the initial elements of the array.

  - P: The position of the element to be removed.


- The code outputs the updated array after removing the element at position P. The updated array is displayed in a single line with elements separated by spaces.

- The element at position P=3 (30) is removed, and the updated array is printed as follows: 10 20 40 50