<<< Output of the Following Code (OotFC)

void main ()


char *

f[] = {"Ronaldo", "Messi", "Zidan", "Maradona"}, str[20];

printf("%s\n", f[1]+2);

printf("%s", f[2]+1);






This code snippet seems to be demonstrating the use of arrays of strings and pointer arithmetic. Here's a breakdown of what's happening in the code:

1. `void main ()`: This is the main function where the execution of the program starts.

2. `char *f[]`: This declares an array of pointers to characters. `f` is an array that can hold pointers to strings.

3. `f[] = {"Ronaldo", "Messi", "Zidan", "Maradona"}`: This initializes the array `f` with four string literals: "Ronaldo", "Messi", "Zidan", and "Maradona".

4. `str[20]`: This declares an array of characters named `str` with a size of 20 characters.

5. `printf("%s\n", f[1]+2)`: This prints a substring of the string stored in `f[1]` (which is "Messi"). The `+2` in `f[1]+2` moves the pointer 2 positions forward in the string, effectively skipping the first two characters ("Me"). So, it prints "ssi".

6. `printf("%s", f[2]+1)`: This prints a substring of the string stored in `f[2]` (which is "Zidan"). The `+1` in `f[2]+1` moves the pointer 1 position forward in the string, effectively skipping the first character ("Z"). So, it prints "idan".

Overall, this code demonstrates how pointer arithmetic can be used to manipulate strings and print out specific substrings of the strings stored in the `f` array.

#AbdurRahimRatulAliKhan #ARRAK #Code #Programming #CodeDescription #OutputoftheFollowingCode #OotFC