<<< Encapsulation

using System;

namespace EncapsulationDemo


    public class Bank


        //Hiding class data by declaring the variable as private

        private double balance;

        //Creating public Setter and Getter methods

        //Public Getter Method

        //This method is used to return the data stored in the balance variable

        public double GetBalance()


            //add validation logic if needed

            return balance;


        //Public Setter Method

        //This method is used to stored the data  in the balance variable

        public void SetBalance(double balance)


            // add validation logic to check whether data is correct or not

            this.balance = balance;



    class Program


        public static void Main()


            Bank bank = new Bank();

            //You cannot access the Private Variable

            //bank.balance; //Compile Time Error

            //You can access the private variable via public setter and getter methods








