<<< Prime Number | Logical Flow of Code (LFoC)

for (i=1; i<=n; i++)



if (count==2)

// Input: 

// Output: 

The main logic for determining if a number is prime can be described as follows:

1. Initialize a variable called "count" to 0. This variable will keep track of the number of factors of the given number.

2. Use a loop to iterate from 1 to the given number (n). In each iteration:

   a. Check if the current iteration value (i) is a factor of n by using the modulo operator (%). If n%i is equal to 0, it means that i is a factor of n.

   b. If i is a factor, increment the count variable by 1.

3. After the loop completes, check if the count variable is equal to 2.

   a. If count is equal to 2, it means that the given number has only two factors (1 and itself), indicating that it is a prime number.

   b. If count is not equal to 2, it means that the given number has more than two factors, indicating that it is not a prime number.

4. The result of the prime number check can be obtained by examining the count variable.

Please note that the provided code snippet is incomplete as it lacks the input and output statements. The input statement should prompt the user to enter a value for n, and the output statement should display whether the number is prime or not based on the logic described above.