<<< Output of the Following Code (OotFC)

int main ()


char s[32] = "niksat";

char t[32] = "";

strrev (s); //taskin

strcpy (t, s);

strcat (t, "so so");

puts (t);

printf("%d\n", strcmp("taskvar", t));

return 0;



Taskin so so



This code snippet demonstrates the use of various string manipulation functions from the C Standard Library. Let's break down the code step by step:

Here's what the code does:

1. The code includes the necessary header files (`<stdio.h>` for standard input/output and `<string.h>` for string manipulation functions).

2. Inside the `main()` function:

   - A character array `s` is initialized with the string "niksat".

   - An empty character array `t` is initialized.

3. The `strrev(s)` function is called to reverse the string in array `s`. The result of this operation is that `s` now contains the string "taskin".

4. The `strcpy(t, s)` function is used to copy the contents of `s` (which is now "taskin") into `t`, making `t` also "taskin".

5. The `strcat(t, "so so")` function concatenates the string "so so" to the end of the `t` array, resulting in `t` becoming "taskinso so".

6. The `puts(t)` function is used to print the concatenated string `t` ("taskinso so").

7. The `printf("%d\n", strcmp("taskvar", t));` line compares the string "taskvar" with the contents of the array `t`. The `strcmp` function returns an integer:

   - If the two strings are equal, it returns 0.

   - If the first string is lexicographically less than the second string, it returns a negative value.

   - If the first string is lexicographically greater than the second string, it returns a positive value.

   The comparison is between "taskvar" and "taskinso so", so the printed output is likely a non-zero value.

8. The program then returns 0 to indicate successful execution.

Overall, this code demonstrates the use of various string manipulation functions to reverse, copy, and concatenate strings, as well as to compare strings.

#AbdurRahimRatulAliKhan #ARRAK #Code #Programming #CodeDescription #OutputoftheFollowingCode #OotFC