DreaM BiggeR. IF YoU CaN

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<<< Research

Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, AI (Machine Learning), & Formal MethodsReviewer (SNCS) - Research @ Springer Nature, London (global) Berlin (corporate) New York City (sales), 2024


TOAST Doctoral NetworkGranted the incredible opportunity to participate in the TOAST Doctoral Network Training School at the University of Siena, Italy from February 19th to February 23rd, 2024


.NET Technologies on Microsoft | Completed 26+ Modules | Sep 2021 - Apr 2022
About this BadgesGot 26+ Badges, 2 Trophies & 1 Reputation for Software Development using .NET MAUI | ASP.NET | Core | Open-Source, Server-Side Web-Application Framework | Xamarin | Open-source mobile app platform | for .NET on Microsoft, 2021Read more
HackerRank OJ | Worldwide Problem-Solving Platform
About this BadgesGot 6+ Badges by solving challenges in the Algorithms and Data Structures tracks | C | C++ | Java | Python | SQL on HackerRankRead more
Beecrowd URI OJ | Worldwide Problem-Solving Platform
About this BadgesGot 4+ Badges by solving challenges in the Algorithms and Data Structures tracks | C | Java | SQL on Beecrowd Read more
LeetCode OJ | Worldwide Problem-Solving Platform
About this BadgesSolving coding problems and preparing for technical interviews on LeetCodeRead more


Publication CertificatePublication Certificate, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research -IJSER (ISSN 2229-5518), Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
This is an android application software that alerts users with an automatic alarming system for medication and dosages. Most of the time patients cannot remember the exact time when they need to take the medicine. This app will alert patients about the time of medication, description of medicine, before-after meal, and so on. The alarm can be ...
Academic Award CertificateAcademic Award Certificate, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research -IJSER (ISSN 2229-5518), Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCECERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), Volume 13, ISSN 2229-5518, Oct 2022
Mobile Game & Application DevelopmentMay 2018 - Nov 2018
Certificate of Competence for Mobile Game & Application Project, ICT Division, Government of Bangladesh, 2018 
The project integrated the material from throughout the Specialization to exercise and assess the ability to create an interesting Android app by applying knowledge and skills, including Java programming features, Android Studio tools, Android Activity components, Material Design, file I/O, and data persistence, unit testing, and software patterns.
Certificate of Appreciation for 3rd position, Quiz-Test, UU, 2016
Certificate of Sports Competitions, 1st position, 100 Meters Race, RCS, 2014
Certificates of Sports Competitions, 2nd & 3rd position, Sphere Throwing, RCS, 2014

Grant & Scholarships

Congratulatory Letter
About this GrantCongratulatory Letter, Associated with UCB Prothom-Alo at the Secondary School Certificate Program of 10th Education Grade Level, Government of Bangladesh, 2012 
5th Grade
About this ScholarshipsPrimary School Scholarship, Government of Bangladesh, 2006
Website Development
About this ScholarshipsMerit Scholarship at Triangle Solutions associated with UU during the Undergraduate Education Grade Level, 2016