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[October 2021 – October 2021] Started a Project titled "TipCalc Calculator" Android Application
About this ProjectDesign-consistent-Xamarin.Forms-XAML-pages-by-using-shared-resources-and-styles: The Tip Calculator calculates the tip amount for various percentages of the service cost and provides a total amount that includes the tip. In the U.S., a tip of 15% of the before-tax meal price is typically expected.
.NET, Xamarin, Xamarin. Forms and C# are used for the implementation of the project.Read more
[September 2021 – September 2021] Started a Project titled "NameList Store" Android Application
About this ProjectStore local data with SQLite in Xamarin. Forms app: In this module, it'll build a Xamarin. Forms application that stores data locally in a database. It'll start by exploring the different data storage options that are available.Next, it'll look at SQLite and insert and retrieve data. Finally, it'll use the asynchronous methods that are available in SQLite to interact with the database without blocking the UI.
.NET, Xamarin, Xamarin. Forms, C#, and SQLite are used for the implementation of the project.Read more
[May 2018 – November 2018 | ICTDP-2018] Started a Project titled "Artist Management" Android Application
About this ProjectAndroid Application Variety of music business clients ranging from alternative, electronic, indie, hip-hop, etc.
Android Studio IDE, Java, and XML tools are used for the implementation of the project.Read more
[May 2018 – November 2018 | ICTDP-2018] Started a Project titled "Temperature Converter" Android Application
About this ProjectApp for school, college, and workplace to convert the temperature.
Android Studio IDE, Java, and XML tools are used for the implementation of the project.Read more