<<< Word Count | Logical Flow of Code (LFoC)


for(i=0; i<=n; i++)


    if(s[i]==' ' ||  s[i]=='\n')





Input: My name is khan

Output: 4

#AbdurRahimRatulAliKhan #CodeDescription #WordCount

This code snippet is a simple implementation of a word count function. It takes a string 's' as input and counts the number of words in it. The variable 'n' is used to store the length of the string. The code uses a for loop to iterate through the characters of the string and checks if the current character is either a space (' ') or a newline character ('\n'). Whenever it encounters a space or newline, it increments the 'count' variable, which keeps track of the number of words.

Here's how the code works:

1. Calculate the length of the input string 's' using 'strlen()' function and store it in the variable 'n'.

2. Initialize a variable 'count' to 0 to keep track of the number of words.

3. Use a for loop to iterate through each character of the string from index 0 to n-1 (inclusive).

4. Inside the loop, check if the current character is either a space (' ') or a newline character ('\n').

5. If it is a space or newline, increment the 'count' variable.

6. After the loop finishes, the 'count' variable will hold the total number of words in the input string.

7. Output the value of 'count' as the result.

Input: "My name is khan"

Output: 4

#AbdurRahimRatulAliKhan #Code  #WordCount #Algorithm #Programming #SimpleImplementation #StringManipulation #ForLoop #ConditionalStatements
