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Here's the basic syntax for using the PIVOT operation in SQL Server:

Here's a simple example to illustrate how the PIVOT operation works. Suppose you have a table named Sales with columns Product, Month, and Revenue, and you want to pivot the data to show monthly revenues for each product as columns:

14. PIVOT/UNPIVOT: In Microsoft SQL Server, the 'PIVOT' operation is used to transform rows of data into columns. This can be useful when you want to perform aggregations or cross-tabulations on your data. The PIVOT operation is typically used in conjunction with the 'UNPIVOT' operation to switch data from a normalized form (rows) to a denormalized form (columns) or vice versa.

Let's break down the components of the PIVOT operation:

This query would transform the data from rows to columns, with each product's revenue for each month in separate columns. Remember that PIVOT is best used when you know the distinct values in the pivot column in advance. If you have dynamic or unknown values, you might need to use dynamic SQL to construct your PIVOT query.

#Database #Query #QueryAnalysis #Concepts #AbdurRahimRatulAliKhan #ARRAK
