<<< Number Pattern | Logical Flow of Code (LFoC)

for(i=1; i<= rows; i++)


    for(num=1; num<=i; num++)

        printf("%d", num);



// Input: 5







The given code is a program that prints a number pattern based on the user-input number of rows. The program generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to the current row number and prints them in each row.

Here's a description of the code:

1. The program takes an integer input (let's call it 'rows') from the user.

2. It uses a nested loop structure to print the number pattern:

   a. The outer loop runs from 1 to 'rows' and represents the current row number (i).

   b. The inner loop (nested within the outer loop) runs from 1 to 'i' and represents the numbers to be printed in that row (num).

   c. Inside the inner loop, the program prints the current number (num) using the `printf` function.

   d. After printing the numbers for the current row, the program moves to the next line using `printf("\n")`, so the next row's numbers will be printed on a new line.

Explanation of the output:

- In the first row (i = 1), only the number 1 is printed.

- In the second row (i = 2), numbers 1 and 2 are printed.

- In the third row (i = 3), numbers 1, 2, and 3 are printed.

- This pattern continues until the fifth row (i = 5), where numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are printed.

for(i=1; i<= rows; i++)


    value = i;

    for(dash=1; dash<=rows-i; dash++)


        printf(" ");


    for(num1=1; num1<=i; num1++)


        printf("%d", value);





    for(num2=1; num2<i; num2++)


        printf("%d", value);





// Input: 5







This code generates a number pattern in the form of a pyramid based on the given input 'rows'. Here's a description of how the code works:

1. The input 'rows' determines the number of rows in the pyramid pattern.

2. The outer loop 'for(i=1; i<=rows; i++)' iterates from 1 to the value of 'rows', representing each row in the pyramid.

3. Inside the outer loop, the variable 'value' is initialized to the value of 'i'. This variable is used to print the numbers in each row.

4. The first inner loop 'for(dash=1; dash<=rows-i; dash++)' is responsible for printing spaces before the numbers in each row. The number of spaces decreases with each row to create the pyramid shape.

5. The second inner loop 'for(num1=1; num1<=i; num1++)' prints the increasing numbers in each row, starting from the value of 'i'. After printing each number, 'value' is incremented.

6. Before starting the next loop, 'value' is decremented twice to get it back to the previous value of the last number printed in the second inner loop.

7. The third inner loop 'for(num2=1; num2<i; num2++)' prints the decreasing numbers in each row, starting from 'value' (which was decremented previously) and then decrementing 'value' in each iteration.

8. After printing the numbers and spaces for each row, a newline character is added to move to the next line to create the pyramid effect.

9. The output is displayed in the console, showing the number pyramid pattern based on the input 'rows'.

Each row of the pyramid contains consecutive numbers in an ascending and then descending order, forming the pattern.