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 for (i=1; i <= n; i++)


            for (space = 1; space<=n-i; space++)


                printf(" ");


            for(star = 1; star <= 2*i-1; star++)




// Input: 5

// Output: 5 rows piramid figure will be shown






The given code is a C code snippet for printing a pyramid pattern using asterisks '*' and spaces ' '. The pattern consists of multiple rows, and each row has a certain number of stars in the center, forming a pyramid-like figure. The number of rows in the pattern is determined by the input value 'n'.

Here's a description of the code:

1. The variable 'n' represents the number of rows in the pyramid, and it is taken as input from the user or provided through some other means.

2. The outer loop runs 'n' times to print each row of the pyramid.

3. In each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop for 'space' is used to print the required number of spaces before the stars in each row. The number of spaces decreases as the row number increases, creating the left-side alignment of the pyramid.

4. The inner loop for 'star' is used to print the required number of asterisks in each row. The number of stars in each row follows a pattern of '2*i-1', where 'i' is the current row number. This results in an increasing number of stars in each row of the pyramid.

5. After printing spaces and stars for a row, a new line is added to move to the next row, creating the pyramid pattern.

In the first row, there is one star and four spaces before it.

In the second row, there are three stars and two spaces before and after them, respectively.

And so on, until the last row with five stars and no spaces before and after them.