Alpine Teahouse

Written by @PerGron

Within most Asian cultures, tea plays an incredibly important role in their society and religions. The Nepalese, Tibetan, and Chinese Himalayan cultures are no different, with tea playing heavily into the beliefs and cultures of all of these regions. For that reason, it would make sense for the city of Yùn Chèng to house a mystical tea house within their mountainous city.

The Alpine Tea House is modeled after a Chinese Tea House on the exterior but combines Tibetan, Nepali, and Chinese design on the interior. The walls and ceilings and floors are decorated in a way that abides by the idea of feng shui, creating a relaxing and peaceful location that brings about the closest thing to zen as possible. A beautiful and meditative selection of traditional Chinese, Nepali, and Tibetan music plays throughout the restaurant, just loud enough for guests to take in the atmosphere, but not loud enough to interrupt the relaxation this location is supposed to bring about.

As is customary in many Asian cultures, the tea house features its tables and seats on the floor, encouraging guests to sit in a meditative posture which many Asian cultures believe is the healthiest way to sit. Of course, in order to accommodate guests with disabilities, there are regular tables with chairs and booths available upon special request.

The tea house will be a very popular locale, being one place where serenity is easily found within the hustle and bustle of the theme park, so for that reason reservations are recommended for the tea house, though walk-ins are possible in the less busy times of the year.

Being a tea house, this location mainly focuses on… well, tea. However, it does have a few menu items to select from that are customary in many tea houses across Asia. Below is the menu for the food items as well as many of the teas available. The teas, however, are always subject to change.

Food Items

Hot and Sour Soup… $6.99

An Indian take on this Chinese dish, made with red and green chillies, ginger, carrot, snow peas, tofu, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and sugar

Egg Drop Soup… $7.99

Beaten eggs in a vegetable broth with tofu and scallions, topped with a thin stream of beaten eggs

Himalayan Lentil Soup… $7.99

A soup made of lentils, onions, garlic, chili pepper, carrot, and potato

Creamy Lentil Soup… $7.99

A soup made of lentils, coconut milk, sesame oil, onion, vegetable broth, diced tomatoes, and spices

Wonton Soup… $8.99

Homemade vegetarian wontons with egg noodles, vegetable broth, and kale

Tea Selections

Herbal Teas

24 Flavor Tea

Wong Lo Kat

Green Teas

Anji bai cha

Baimao Hou


Chun Mee

Da Fang

Huangshan Maofeng

Longjing Tea

Lu’an Melon Seed Tea

Mengding Ganlu


Taiping houkui


Darjeeling Tea

White Teas

Baihao Yinzhen

Bai Mudan

Shou Mei


Bai Jiguan

Ban Tian Yao

Bu Zhi Chun

Da Hong Pao

Fo Shou

Huang Guanyin

Huang Meigui

Jin Fo

Jin Suo Chi




Ruan Zhi

Shui Hsien



Black Tea



Golden Monkey tea

Jin Jun Mei


Lapsang souchong


Assam Tea

Yellow Tea

Huoshan huangya

Junshan Yinzhen

Fermented Tea


Flavored Tea

Shou Pu Erh

Sheng Pu Erh

Bai Mudan

Hong Kong Milk Tea
