Marvel Meet & Greet

Written by @DashHaber

Stark Expo Convention Hall

Stark Expo serves as a meeting place where scientific advances from all around, from Wakanda to Pym Technologies, have come together for the public to witness. Among these exhibitions is an even greater experience for its guests: a chance to meet a Super Hero face to face.

Building Exterior: In the Stark Expo courtyard stands a futuristic-looking building. It shimmers and shines with green and gold, designed with a sleek metal aesthetic. It looks like it should be a laboratory from a few decades ahead of our time, but a sign proudly announces “Stark Expo Convention Hall”. Peppered around the exterior are signs advertising some of the groups that have some to the expo, such as logos for Pym Technologies and S.H.I.E.L.D. Even the flag of Wakanda hangs proudly, for their contributions. A section of guide rails help to lead the way into the Convention Hall, to help manage any busy traffic.

(Pym Technologies logo)

(S.H.I.E.L.D. logo)

(Wakandan flag)

Something to note about the main sign is that it also lists which two heroes are currently available for the meet and greet. There is a main pool of four heroes, with two of them available at any given time for this attraction.

Building Interior: Entering in, guests are first treated with a tribute to Howard Stark. A painting of him hangs on the wall, as signs explain the origins of Stark Expo and his visions of a “City of the Future”. A model of Howard’s original 1974 Stark Expo rests beneath the portrait. Heading down some hallways, monitors advertise the numerous exhibits that are present through this year’s Stark Expo, such as the wonders of the Ocean Pavilion (referencing the Iron Man: Expo Attack attraction). Guests will also pass by a directory that lists some of the other presentations that should be happening around Stark Expo, offering some fun references like a “Symposium on Gamma Radiation” led by Dr. Bruce Banner and “Advancements in Artificial Intelligence” led by Dr. Helen Cho.

(Howard Stark)

(Reference of the model)

Soon enough, guests will reach the Convention Hall Waiting Lobby. In the lobby, four major signs hang up on the walls. These four signs reflect four major organizations presenting in the Convention Hall: Stark Industries (discussing advancements in robotics), Wakanda (bringing up matters of outreach and finding applicable uses of Vibranium), Pym Technologies (promoting advancements in nanotechnology), and the Avengers (showcasing how technology is used to aid in saving lives). The signs discuss the history behind each of these groups, along with achievements and major scientific advances. Eventually, a Convention Hall employee will lead guests into the Meeting Room.

The Meeting Room has the same sleek aesthetic as much of the Convention Hall, though it seems made for presentations on a smaller level. Throughout the room are four heavily-secured display cases, each with a reference to the four heroes that guests could potentially meet: a model of an arc reactor, a Vibranium fragment, a vial of Pym Particles, and a model of the Stark Drone MK82, better known as Redwing. It is here where guests will have their chance to meet, talk to, and even get a picture with these incredible heroes. Though which two heroes will be there can vary, there are four potential heroes for guests to meet: Iron Man, Black Panther, Ant-Man, and Falcon. After meeting their heroes, guests will be led to an exit hallway, leading them back to the rest of Stark Expo.

Characters to meet:

(Iron Man)

(Black Panther)

(Ant-Man, on the right)

(Reference for Falcon's design in the park)