Polar Bears

Written by @PerGron

Opposite the land from the Beluga grotto is a large grotto taking up around an acre that is home to a pair of polar bears (Ursus maritimus). The habitat features lots of rocky and icy-appearing outcrops where the bears can explore, as well as a 200,000 gallon pool where the animals can swim as much as they’d like, making it one of the largest polar bear pools in the world.

Due to polar bears’ need for colder weather, the water is chilled to a cool 55 degrees fahrenheit (12.8 degrees celsius) and multiple rocks throughout the exhibit are climate controlled, able to be cooled or heated depending on what the animals need. For days that get too hot, the animals also have cooling caves located throughout the exhibit they can enter that are air conditioned to be 45 degrees, or they can enter the pool.

Just like the beluga habitat, this exhibit is meant to replicate the natural habitat that polar bears would be found in in the wild. Because of this, live fish swim in the pool as well, another opportunity for the bears to practice hunting aside from their normal feeding. These two bears were orphans after their mother was killed in Alaska. They were given to Disney who built them a habitat within their newest theme park. The bears cannot return to the wild, and instead, will live with Disney for the rest of their days.

This habitat does have underwater viewing as well, featuring an ice cave that guests can enter and get a look at the magnificent polar bears as they swim. Because polar bears exhibit stereotypical behaviors such as pacing and swimming in circles, and head swaying, Disney hopes to counter this by providing rich stimuli throughout the habitat. The bears have the ability to dive 13 feet down and retrieve toys, food, or whatever else they are given by their caretakers.

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