Just Right Bite-Sustainable Pet Food

Sponsor: Just Right Bites

Students: Anahita Gharai, Michelle Pearman, Karina Shirokova, Mina Zavary

HCDE undergraduate team

Just Right Bite Video.mov

Just Right Bites (JRB) is a start-up working to develop an insect-based pet food that would be a sustainable product on the market. Our goal is to create a system that results in zero waste in the landfill— designing nothing that the user will throw away. Sustainability defined in our terms means designing with the product life cycle in mind to ensure that we make it convenient for users to create sustainable practices in their lives. We aim to answer the question of “How can we prototype a circular system for sustainable, insect-based pet food with an understanding of pet owner needs and priorities?”. Our target population are pet owners that have some interest in sustainability. This is an important opportunity to create sustainable habits in pet owners while filling a gap in the market for convenient insect-based pet food— reducing carbon pawprints everywhere!