ORganize: Optimizing Robotic Surgeries Through Data Integration

Sponsor: Johnson & Johnson MedTech

Students: Petrina Chan, Soo Hwang, Don Lee, Jennifer Rodriguez

HCDE master's team

With the emergence of AI and cloud technology alongside the development of robotic systems in medicine, there is new opportunity to combat inefficiencies across the entire surgical process, from pre to post-op. Information and data across medical systems are not well-integrated, which often results in inefficiencies at the cost of patient care. ORganize is a cloud-based platform that consolidates relevant data and insights into a centralized platform, empowering robotic surgeons and other healthcare professionals to streamline their workflows and optimize their performance by providing smart suggestions, access to a comprehensive library of resources, and progress monitoring capabilities. With ORganize, healthcare professionals can unlock their full potential, improving patient outcomes and driving operational efficiencies through cutting-edge AI-driven tools and personalized support.