Evacuation, Shelter-in-Place, & Lock-Down/ Lock-Out


In the event of notification of severe weather, follow overhead announcement instructions. Severe weather warning include but are not limited to,

Shelter-in-place and refuge-in-place means finding a safe location indoors and staying there until you are given an “all clear” or told to evacuate. You may be asked to shelter in place because of an tornado; or chemical, radiological, or other hazard. In the event of notification to Shelter or seeking a Refuge-in-place (such as a severe weather warning), safely discontinue work and go to the nearest designated safe shelter.

Basic Actions

• Find rooms with storm shelter signage

• Stay away from windows, cover your head, and face the wall

Responder Actions

All MIDB personnel must follow these expectations during Weather Emergencies, to include:

Actions to Take After an Emergency

General After-Action 

Additional After Action Steps

Storm Shelter Area Signage and Maps

MIDB - Level 2 - Storm Shelter and Corridor Map
MIDB - Level 1 - Storm Shelter and Corridor Map