Q: How do I make a request to run a study in the CNBD?

A: Prior to initiating a new study, researchers should submit the MIDB Request for Service Form. MIDB Hubs review the application and communicate with the study team and PI directly. The CNBD Project Manager will be looped in if CNBD space or staff are requested.

Q: How do I get access to the CNBD?

A: Please see the New CNBD Users tab on this website for detailed information on all types of CNBD access.

Q: How can I get into the CNBD while I'm waiting for U-Card access to be granted?

A: Temporary access cards are available and issued by the MIDB front desk. This card is intended for incoming researchers and research assistants, employee or student, who are assisting with studies at the CNBD but have not already been granted building access. We request that you notify the MIDB front desk (midbinfo@umn.edu) if you or any individual on your team will be needing to use a temporary access card. 

Q: Is masking still required in the CNBD?

A: Masking is now optional in the CNBD. Please be mindful and courteous of people's choice to continue or not continue wearing masks. If study staff or personnel would feel more comfortable with a participant or other staff wearing a mask, we ask that you be accommodating. 

Q: Are researchers still required to conduct health screenings for participants and staff?

A: Health screenings are no longer required by the CNBD. However, studies are more than welcome to continue conducting health screens and/or determine if they would like to have an internal screening process for their participants. In general, if participants are sick or have cold/flu-like symptoms, the CNBD suggests rescheduling the session. If staff are sick or have cold/flu-like symptoms, we suggest sending the staff member(s) home. 

Q: Do I need to factor in set-up and take-down time when reserving testing equipment or rooms? 

A: Yes, please factor in set-up, take-down, and cleaning time when reserving testing rooms. Rooms and resources must be sanitized after each session. 

Q: What do I do if a mess occurs during a research session?

A: Clorox wipes are available in each testing room. If they have run out, more can be found in the white cabinets in the CNBD touchdown space. A vacuum can also be found in the touchdown space and sink room. If a mess occurs during a research session that requires carpet or upholstery cleaning, please contact the MIDB front desk at 612-626-6440 (after hours/weekends: 763-760-4794). To ensure a rapid response, please note the room number and type of fluid that needs cleaning. If needed, there is body fluid clean up powder in room 2-180 available to help with smell and absorb fluid.

Q: What rules should I follow while using the CNBD playroom? 

A: Studies should clean and put toys back after each session. Any toys that need to be disinfected should be placed in the marked basket. There are Clorox wipes located in the waiting room and a vacuum in the research touchdown space. Children in the playroom must be supervised at all times. Do not leave children unattended in the playroom.

Q: Who should I contact if I have a question not answered by this website?

A: Please contact us directly at cnbd@umn.edu with any questions.