Welcome to the CNBD! The first step to gaining CNBD access is learning and acknowledging researcher responsibilities while working in our space. All researchers, staff, and faculty must read and sign our Rules of Engagement Form before using CNBD space. The procedures for gaining other accesses are described below. Please let us know if you have any questions at cnbd@umn.edu

Requesting CNBD Space and Equipment

Prior to initiating a new study, researchers should submit the MIDB Request for Service Form

Once approved, if research suite space is needed (for storage and work space), the Investigator must complete the CNBD Suite Request Form 

If your study requires freezer access/storage, please complete the Freezer Storage and User Agreement

Requesting U-Card Access to the CNBD

Gaining access to any university research building requires the following steps to be completed:

Please visit the RFSS website to complete the Employee/Student Access form and begin the access process.

Notify the CNBD by email at cnbd@umn.edu to let us know an access request will be submitted. In this email, please provide your:

The CNBD will submit the Supervisor Approval Form. 

Planning to use a Temporary Access Card until your U-card has access? We are instituting an updated guidance on temporary access cards issued by the MIDB front desk. This guidance will apply to incoming researchers and research assistants, employee or student, who are assisting with studies at the CNBD but not already granted building access. From here forward, we request that you notify the MIDB front desk (midbinfo@umn.edu) if there are any individuals on your teams who fit this description. 

Requesting CNBD Computer Access

Email cnbd@umn.edu to let us know you need CNBD computer access. In the email, please provide your:

Requesting CTSI Portal Access

Email cnbd@umn.edu to let us know that you need CTSI Portal access. In this email, please provide your:

*CTSI requires that all portal users complete training on Canvas in order for access to be granted. Please complete the CTR Portal Scheduling System User Guide-001 course prior to requesting portal access from the CNBD. 

Instructions for using the portal can be found in the scheduling manual

Setting up Printer Access

There are currently 7 multi-function printers scattered throughout the building that are ready for you to use. You are free to install these printers on your computer at any time, and we encourage you to add the one or two that are closest to your new office location. Please note that if you attempt this while working off-campus, you will need to be connected to VPN. 

For Windows computers:

For Macintosh computers:

Want to advertise your study in the MIDB? 

The MIDB is planning to have research recruitment materials available in the waiting rooms of the building, including the clinic and the CNBD. If you would like to have your study's recruitment materials available for viewing in these areas, please fill out this form. 

Having trouble with any CNBD technology or equipment? We want to know! 

Use our new Technology Request Form to report any equipment problems or requests such as software installations.