Security Threats to People and Property


Active Threat is defined as any incident that by its deliberate nature creates an immediate threat or presents an imminent danger to the campus community. 

Types of active threats may include:

- Active Shooter,

- Hostage/barricaded subject,

- Suicide/homicide bomber,

- Vehicle ramming

- Known or suspected terrorist threat (inc. biological/chemical threat),

The guidelines below should be considered during these types of emergencies, but the specific situations may require deviation from these suggestions. 

Run / Evacuate

Hide / Shelter

Fight / Survive

1. If running is not possible, hide.

2. Lock and barricade doors; shut off lights

3. Remain silent, yet vigilant avoid huddling together

1. Fighting is a last resort,  use only when your life is      in imminent danger.

2. Use improvised weapons, i.e. chair, fire           


3. Attempt to incapacitate the active threat.

4. There is strength in numbers; work together 

     against the active threat.

Supplemental Active Threat Instruction

Actions to Take After an Emergency

General After-Action 

Additional After Action Steps