Return Laundered Items

Guest Clothes are Delivered

Once all guest clothes have been processed, packaged, checked for stains and all the guests’ instructions have been followed, the items must be delivered back to the guest room.

Always follow your property’s guidelines when delivering items back to the guest room:

  • Always knock on the door (or ring the bell) and identify yourself (the guest may be resting or working)

  • Knock again before entering the room. As you enter the room always identify yourself in a loud and clear voice (“Good afternoon/evening, laundry service”)

  • Check that the items you are about to deliver match the room number you are in. It is easy to make an error in delivery, particularly if there are many parcels for the same floor

  • Place the items in the room according to your property’s guidelines and leave the room making sure the door is locked. Folded laundry is usually placed on the bed and clothes on hangers are placed in the wardrobe leaving the wardrobe door slightly ajar so that the guest can see this

  • Cross or tick off the room number on your delivery list

  • If the room has a “Do not disturb” sign on, you may need to return later. In some hotels, a card may be left under the door advising the guest that an attempt was made to deliver his laundry and to call when he is ready for delivery.