Check Results

Results are Checked and Acted Upon

Once all garments and linen is clean, it is important to check that all instructions have been followed. This includes checking for:

  • Guest items

  • Residual stains - If these are found prior to pressing then the items must be returned for rewash or stain removal treatment. If stains cannot be removed then it is wise to attach a card to the garment to this effect so that the guest understands that every effort has been made to remove the stain to no avail

  • Repairs - If guests have requested minor repairs and alterations, it is important to check that these have been carried out and charged for accordingly if necessary. Repairs are completed after cleaning but before pressing or folding

  • Pressing. Check that all garments are well pressed with creases in the correct place. For example, trousers that have two creases down the leg look unsightly and will result in guest complaints

  • Folding. If the guest has requested that items be folded, check this procedure has been adhered to and that clothes are folded as per enterprise procedures

  • Packaging. Some guests will request that shirts be hung on coat hangers for easy transportation and again it is important to double check that all instructions have been followed. Any shortcomings should be attended to before delivery back to the guest.

  • Linen items

  • On occasions, stains and tears are found by the operational department. If this is the case, the items should be kept separate from all other linens so that they may be treated accordingly and not just kept circulating.