Packing Laundered Items

Packing Laundered Items

When delivering guest articles, some will be folded while others are placed on hangers. Folded articles are put together in a laundry bag or box with the room number written on it, for hanging articles put a label indicating the name of guest and room number.

1. Check for quality of the finished laundry / dry cleaning / pressing

2. Make sure that the correct number of pieces on guest laundry list is ready to be returned.

3. Follow complete records and billing information in accordance with enterprise procedures.

4. Package and present guest laundry in accordance with enterprise standards and procedures. Wrap the laundry box and put a piece of your property’s giveaway (optional).

5. For folded items, attach the laundry slip by sticking on the box, in a visible manner.

6. For hanged items, put a tie label indicating the name of the guest and room number.

7. Return finished items to guest in accordance with required time frame.

8. Store processed guest laundry when required, according to guest requests or when returning the laundry item to guests is not possible.