Record Housekeeping request

Record Housekeeping Requests.3gp

Every time a guest would make a request, always remember to repeat the details for clarification. You may also extract more details from them, if necessary, to avoid complaints.

As an example, if a guest requests for towels, you need to clarify what type or size of the towel is being requested.

There will also be instances when the guest will ask for recommendations. Remember to be honest at all times so as not to disappoint the guest. Being truthful is better than their expectations not being met.

Confirming what is needed

The key to this is repeating back to the guest what it is they have told you they want, using your establishment knowledge to clarify any areas that are not clear.

For example, if a guest phones and says they want more towels, you need to determine what size towels they want. If the guest tells you they have spilled something in their room and want it cleaned up, you should ask the nature of the spill (what was spilled, what it was spilled on, and how big the spill is) so you can prepare for what is needed.

Sometimes the guest will ask questions about what is available to suit their need, so you need to respond accurately and honestly to these questions. It is important that honesty is used so that you avoid creating false expectations in the mind of the guests.

Noting details of what is needed

The key to this is to not rely on your memory but rather to write down the relevant details.

This advice applies whether the request comes in person or over the phone. There should always be note paper and a pen near the phone in the housekeeping department and a room attendant should always have a notebook and pen as standard items when they are working.

When a guest makes a request simply write down:

    • Guest name

    • Room number

    • Specifics of the request – type of item or service required, number involved (where appropriate – 6 wine glasses)

    • Time for delivery to the room that was agreed to

It is always wise to confirm the details to save time, effort and guest frustration if the wrong item or service is delivered. There may often be communication difficulties caused by different languages, lack of local knowledge, tiredness and unfamiliarity with the property.