Good Grooming


The importance of good grooming is emphasized for Valet Staff because the position requires close and frequent contact with VIP guests. Good grooming covers personal hygiene, uniform, and overall presentation of the valet. All of which should be maintained at a high standard level considering the clientele who avails a valet service, therefore, Valet Staff are expected to be very hygienic, neat, and looking sharp. A well-groomed Valet staff who has good personal hygiene helps promote a positive and professional image of one’s self and the establishment.

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene is very important because the Valet Staff is always in direct contact with guests. The following are standard grooming activities that a Valet Staff should strictly observe:

  • Take a daily bath/shower - given that everybody should be doing this, more so should Valet staff

  • Wash hands regularly - regular hand washing should be observed not only because of regular contact with guests but also because personal belongings of guests are handled

  • Keep fingernails short - although valet staffs sometimes wear gloves, these aren’t worn all the time so keeping nails trimmed is necessary.

  • Oral Hygiene - brushing of teeth, use of mouthwash and dental floss, and regular visits to the dentist

  • Use deodorants/antiperspirant - sometimes just taking a bath or brushing teeth isn’t enough. Deodorants or antiperspirants help in preventing body odor.

  • Women Valet Staff’s hair must be tied into a ponytail or kept in a bun/hairnet

  • Male Valet Staff’s hair must be maintained short and should not touch the collar of the uniform


Wearing the required uniform helps influence the customer’s opinions and first impressions of the establishment you work at. Also, it helps promote the establishment’s prestige. A well-groomed Valet Staff who has good personal hygiene helps promote a positive and professional image of one’s self and the establishment.


A Valet Staff’s uniform is different from regular hotel staff like the Guest Room Attendant or Public Area Attendant. This is because a Valet staff handles VIP clients and thus, his/her uniform is more formal/professional.

Checklist for Valet staff’s uniform:

  • Fits properly - inappropriately sized uniforms are unpleasant for the eyes and it limits the movement of the staff

  • Washed and pressed - stains must be removed immediately and must be wrinkle free

  • Loose threads are removed and all buttons are still attached

  • Valet uniform varies with different companies. Whichever the company, Valet staffs must wear the complete uniform all the time.

Valet’s uniform may vary according to:

  • Shoe type - Comfortable leather black shoes.

  • Name tag - unlike regular hotel staff, Valet Staff usually do not wear a name tag as it lessens the sophisticated look of the valet.

  • Jacket/ Suit type - usually a formal suit in black or grey colors


Jewellery should be worn to the barest minimum, meaning only watches, wedding ring, and simple earrings for female staff may be worn. Too many accessories might distract a guest and staff should never wear more jewelry than guests. A simple ring and a basic wrist watch and simple earrings for women are allowed.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The Valet staff may act as a Room Attendant and therefore must employ all the necessary PPE when doing cleaning tasks. These may include but not limited to:

  • Gloves

  • Goggles

  • Face Mask

  • Hair Net