Locate and deliver required items to guest room

Locate and Deliver Required Items.3gp

Housekeeping, most of the time, would respond to guest requests they receive. This is relatively easy because most requests are just delivery of items that housekeeping staff has ready access to.

In other instances, some requests may require more time and effort to accomplish.

“It’s not my job”

This is one of the phrases that should never be used by any hotel staff when responding to guests’ request.

In the tourism/hospitality industry, it is always YOUR job to assist guests.

If the request being made is outside of your usual duties and responsibilities:

  • Write down the details of the request and confirm it with the guest.

  • Pass the details of the request to the appropriate person for proper action.

Never forward the guest to another person or department. It is important for the guest to know that the establishment is taking action now rather than passing them around to different offices.

Action is the key to responding to a request

After a request is received, it must be acted upon as soon as possible or within the time frame agreed with the guest.

The key to any request is to simply take action on the request.

Guests’ requests usually are not that complicated. You may just need to go to your trolley or the housekeeping storeroom to pick up some items requested and then give it to the guest.

Passing on Requests

Some requests are already outside of your usual responsibilities. In these cases, the relevant person must be notified of the guest’s request for proper action.

Important points:

  • Pass on important details of the request like the name and room number of the guest.

  • Ensure that the person you are passing the request to understands the request. Confirm if they have understood the request by asking them to repeat it.

  • If there is a deadline agreed with the guest, emphasize this to the person you are passing the request to.

  • Always confirm from guest if the request has been delivered to their satisfaction.

Requests for Information

Sometimes, it takes more time to provide information to guests than some other requests.

These can cover:

  • Information on the products and services available to the guest.

  • Use your own product knowledge about the establishment. If you are unable to provide accurate information immediately, apologize to the guest and tell them you will get back to them as soon as you know the information they need.

  • Availability of services, hours, the location of meals, services and equipment – If there are ice machines or water refilling stations available at the hotel, operating hours of the spa, location of the restaurant etc.

  • How equipment works – All Housekeeping staff are expected to know how every equipment works in the guest room. However, there may be equipment outside of the guest room that a guest might want to know about like gym equipment. In this case, look for the relevant person and endorse the guest.

  • Information about local attractions, activities, entertainment places and restaurants – Although this is really part of the Reception of Concierge’s job.

  • Guests might still ask you, because to them, you are the local person.

  • In these situations:

  • Never say that you don’t know and just leave the guest hanging. It is okay that you do not know, your job is to help the guest know the answer.

  • Again, never tell the guests that giving information is not your job.

  • Never tell the guests to look up the information from the in-room information compendium.

  • Never make the guest feel like asking a question is a stupid thing to do.