Demonstrate the Use of Items to Guest

Provide Advise to Guests.3gp

Telling a guest what to do is helpful but demonstrating it is much better, which is sometimes what is required of the situation.

There will be times when the guest does not know the language of the staff and the only way to get a message across is to demonstrate.

Demonstrating in a clear and concise manner is advised. However, one must make sure that the guest has indeed understood them. Again, check this by allowing guests to operate the equipment before leaving.

Keys to Providing a Demonstration

Remember when providing demonstration

  • Make sure that the guest can see you and the actions you are doing

  • Show to the guest where the in-room instructions are. In case instructions are not available in – room, bring it to the room and show to the guest while demonstrating

  • Take your time – do not rush in explaining. You might need to explain things more than once.

  • Let the guest operate the equipment while you are there – it gives them confidence with the assurance that you are there to assist

  • Encourage guests to contact you in case they have questions

The Housekeeping staff demonstrating must ensure that the guest is competent in operating the equipment. Guests might want to practice without you observing due to embarrassment. Give space to the guest to practice operating the equipment and use your judgment how much demonstration and instruction the guest requires.