Collect Items from Guest Rooms

Collect Items from guest rooms as required

Although most requests are items being taken to the room, there are requests which require for items to be taken out of the room.

These items will be discussed in the succeeding sections.

Types of Items for Collection

As part of effective guest service, housekeeping staff may need to take items from the guest room.

These items may include:

  • Furniture, appliances, or amenities that are not used by the guest

  • Housekeeping items left behind by staff

  • Soiled linen, towels, bath mats that needs to be replaced

  • Replacement items – anything that would replace a non-operational item

  • Previously requested items that are no longer needed

  • Guest items that require further action such as dry cleaning, repairs, etc.

Keys in Collecting Items

Being on time is important. If you agreed with the guest to pick up an item at a certain time, the guest would of course be expecting you to arrive at the agreed time.

Guests might have arranged their schedules considering the pick-up time and this should be respected. It is a big deal to make a guest wait and should be avoided. Guests can become frustrated and leave them with a bad impression about the establishment.

The key is to arrive when you are supposed to.

In case you would be late:

  • Arrange for someone else to pick up the item and make sure that they arrive on time

  • Contact the guest and make an apology, then arrange for a new timeline

  • Always notify the guest if you are going to be late

  • If the item to be picked up is heavy, ask someone to help you carry the item or bring a trolley

Upon your arrival to pick up the item:

  • Knock on the door and announce “Housekeeping”

  • Greet the guest by name

  • Tell them why you are there – “I’ve come to pick up the …"

  • Ask for permission to enter the room

  • Thank the guest for their permission to do so

  • Respect the privacy of the guest

  • Pick up the item and walk to the door

  • Make arrangements for a replacement item, where appropriate and a time for its delivery

  • Thank the guest again

  • Depart the room.