Post Laundry Cleaning Activity

Post Cleaning Activity is Performed

Post cleaning activity is generally referred to as the finishing process.

The finishing process involves:

  • Checking for stains-when guest laundry has been washed. It is important before it is pressed and dried that it be checked to ensure all stains have been removed. Pressing can sometimes permanently set stains. If items are found to be stained, they should be sent for re-processing

  • Stains on sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths and napkins are usually checked during the feeding process of the items on to the flatwork ironer. If stains are seen, the operator can push a reject button which then sends the item into a basket under the ironer. This will then be sent to be rewashed at the end of the day

  • Checking repairs have been carried out. It is important that requested repairs to guest items have been completed before the pressing process. Once repairs are completed then the item should be pressed

  • Pressing. There are many different types of presses in a laundry environment but the pressing process for both linen and guest clothing require that the items are usually damp. Where items have been dried (dry cleaning machine) these are pressed using steam

  • Drying. It is usually only towelling that is dried in the tumble driers. Once dried they are then sent to be folded

  • Folding. This can be done by either machine or by hand. Items such as bathrobes may need to be folded by hand or placed on coat hangers. Face washers are usually stacked in piles. Sheets and towels are folded by machine and stacked automatically by the machine

  • Packaging. Most guest clothing is packaged before delivery back to the guest. Shirts can be folded and placed into a bag or box or they may be pressed and placed on hangers (this is usually at the request of the guest). The coat hangers and plastic covering are provided by the hotel and protect the garments in transit from accidental soiling. Suits, trousers and dresses would also be placed on cost hangers and covered in plastic wrapping

Linen from an in-house laundry is not usually packaged. It is neatly stacked on clean trolleys for transportation

  • Storage. In some cases where hotels have regular guests, laundry and dry cleaning may have to be stored until the guest’s next visit. This must be secured and a note made on the guest account so that the cleaned laundry may be placed into the room before his next arrival. The accounts department will also need to be notified so that the late charge is handled appropriately

  • Clean linen may need to be stored before being delivered back to the relevant department. This storage facility may be in the laundry, the linen room or the Housekeeping area

  • Delivery. All items need to be delivered to the relevant area.