Laundry Equipment

Laundry Equipment is Used

During the course of your employment in the laundry you will be trained to operate all kinds of machinery. It is important however to never to use a piece of equipment for which you have not been trained. This may lead to damage to the machine, the linen it is processing, and possible injury to yourself.

The following are general procedures you should use when operating any general laundry machinery:

  • Always check that the power is switched on before use and that all utilities are connected (water, steam or gas) at the beginning of your shift

  • Always check that the machine is clean and empty before loading and that nothing has been overlooked since the last cycle

  • Always check the drains are clear (washing machines) and the lint trap has been cleaned (in tumble dryers)

  • Check all switches are in working order and not broken

  • Check that all doors on washing machines and tumble dryers can be locked

  • Always use the correct wash programme for the items you are washing

  • Make sure all chemical drums and pumps are in working order and there are sufficient chemicals for the day

  • Always weigh wash loads according to the machines used wherever possible so they operate at full capacity.

  • Never overload or under load a washing machine or dryer. This practise will result in an inferior wash result and may damage linens. It is also uneconomical

  • Never remove protective guards off machines. These are designed as a safety feature if something malfunctions

  • Always use the ironer at the correct speed and temperature for the items being ironed. A temperature that is too low or an ironer that is too slow will not dry or iron items correctly. They may need to be passed again through the machine which will slow down the whole finishing process

  • Never use the ironer if there are damaged tapes or belts. Report this immediately so that they may be repaired promptly

  • Always use the safety functions on hot presses and make sure all press pads are clean and in good repair

  • Report any items that malfunction to your supervisor and ask for assistance if you are not sure

  • Never stand in water – always clean up spillages immediately

  • Always wear the correct protective equipment and clothing with which you have been issued

  • Correctly follow all handling and usage instructions for all chemicals.

  • Report any damage to the clothes during the laundry process