
First of all I think my experience in photo 1 was very successful because I learned so much, I don't think there was one thing that Mr. A taught that I had already known. I also think it was successful because I got pretty good at a lot of things that I didn't even anticipate the course to include, like photoshop & print making. 

The hardest thing for me this semester I think was having patience making prints, there's a lot that goes on throughout the whole process which means there's a countless amount of things that could go wrong along the way & having to have pateince is important because you cant speed up the process. For example, developing film, having to sit for 15-20 minutes & shake a canister isnt the most excotigin thing but its arguably the most critical part of the whole process. I overcame this difficulty by just thinking 'this is how I get my best result' which drove me to go with the flow & be happy in the end. 

my favorite project this year was probably the portraits project with film because I like taking pictures of people, the first reason because a lot of people like having their pictures taken, especially with their friends & stuff because its cute. So I love taking them & maybe even printing it out for them cause it makes them happy & most of the time i'm actually really happy with how they come out. Even though I had some trouble finding people during one of the portrait projects because we are in school so epoelpe need to be in class, I still loved it & I had some of my favorite outcomes. 

My least favorite project was probably photograms just because it was a lot to take in at once & when we got to try, the outcomes compared to all the future other outcomes we're pretty boring but it's ok it was still important. 

My understanding of photography  hasn't really changed or been impacted by this class, it was more built by this class because I had never been in a class like this & didn't have much experience with cameras or film or much of anything. But after this class I definitely have a big appreciation for photographers & a deeper understanding of photography.