

9 x 12

White charcoal pencil on black contrusction paper


Black underglaze on fired clay

Artist Statement

The idea that inspired this project for me was underwater life like my fish. I love the ocean so it's been a common theme in my work. I have a picture of me catching a little fish like this one at my uncle's camp from last summer, I saw that picture in my camera roll & decided I wanted to do something similar. 

The materials I used for this project consisted of clay,  a roller, glaze, & a carving/scratching tool for after the piece went in the kiln.

I used my hands & the roller to prepare the clay into a flat surface so I could then glaze it & put it in the kiln. After it went into the kiln I took my took & scratched off the strips of glaze which made my project. I started with the fishes mouth making my way down its body to where I then came back & put the deatails in it's fin & scales. lastly on the body I did the eye & moved on to making some grass beneath the fish, along with some bubbles & the oceans surface at the very top.