
Idea Sketches


Newsprint & tape 


Artist Statement

The idea what guided this piece of art was a hippo head, I don't know where I got that inspiration from it just came to me that a hippo head would probably look super cool & although it came out nothing as I expected with it, it's still a hippo head. 

The materials I used for this project was paper for the armature, lots of masking tape, elmers glue & modge podge to cover the armature in magazine paper, bottle tops & tacs for the eyes, then lastly just sharpie, paper & magazine paper for the mouth. 

The first step I took in maing the project was pressing the paper into shapes I thought would work for my head then securing it with tape. After I had that done I starting finding green pages of magazines to cover my head in, once that was done & it was all covered I found 2 bottle tops & stuck blue tacks through them which I then hot glued to the face. Lastly, using sharpie I drew the black for his mouth then using magazine paper for the pink (inside) of his mouth & print paper for his 2 teeth.