Foundations of Art 


In foundations of art this year I have seen so much growth in my art. From feeling more confident in myself during projects to looking back at artsonia and thinking to myself who drew that. You can visually see my improvement on many art skills as you compare my past works with my present ones. For example, i've improved on making my shading more accurate, make my 3d look more accurate, how to presently carve linoleum and much more. I also improved in mental aspects of art, art takes a long time you just have to stay focused, take breaks, and trust the process. 

The most challenging project for me I think was the graphite self portrait because of how long it took. We had to section the piece of paper off which helped with the stress with how much work I was doing but getting every single precise detail took so much time and focus that I struggled to have. 

The project i'm most product is probably a tie between my charcoal and ink design, and my donate life design. I like my charcoal design because it's a gift for my uncle and I devoted so much time into it making every smudge as charcoal as good as it could be without pushing myself over the edge. Secondly, I like my donate life design because it's very simple but the lines are so clean and the color fit perfectly along with the meaning that is very important.

My strengths and weaknesses are shown through all of my artwork pieces. One thing I struggle with is putting things off till last minute, although I try my best to take my time on my art work, by putting it off till last minute it causes me to usually go over due date. By looking closely at my art work you can tell which parts I rushed & what parts I was prepared for. For example, you can see in my scracth board piece the dog is wearing sunglasses, but by rushing and not paying full attention I continued drawing the dogs face as if the glasses had no lens. Also in my sgraffito piece I wanted to scratch away parts of the fin, but ran out of time so it appears as unfinished. Despite the weakness one of my strengths shown in my work is the way my lines are so clean and exact to the way I want them to be. For example, in my donate life you can see how smooth my lines are which shapes my piece to look better overall. Another example, lays in my charcoal piece, although a different kind of line, the hair on my dog is exactly the angle and length I wanted. 

Lastly, my artistic goal for the summer is to keep sketching things that interest me and do crafts when I have the chance. Doing projects in the summer will allow me to do it on my own time and with my own pace so it's more enjoyable and less stressful.